Ps.24v6: This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, who seek your face. Selah.

I believe you have been enjoying this series of teachings on the Seeker’s Generation. Yes, our God is seeking for a generation of those who will seek him with all their heart. Can you say you belong to the Seeker’s Generation? This is why this series of teachings has been coming our way and in our last lesson, I shared with us some of the ways by which we can seek the Lord. Today by his Grace, I intend to shed more light on how we ought to seek the Lord. If you are ready for this, let’s examine them right away.


6. Diligently. This is how you ought to seek God if you will find him. You must be diligent in your pursuit of God. It’s not something you leave to chance or coincidence but something that you do eagerly and earnestly too. Seeking God is hard work and if you are not ready to pay this price, you won’t find him. So my dear reader, make up your mind that you will seek him Diligently (Heb.11v6).

7. Deliberately. Yes, you have to be intentional in your pursuit of God if you experience the Wonders of Seeking him. What this simply means is that nobody can force you to seek God. It’s something that must come out of your own volition and will. Usually, when the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear! When you are really ready to seek the Lord, he will make himself known to you. So are you ready to seek the Lord? (Job 5v8).

8. In Spirit and in Truth. This is how you ought to seek the Lord. Your seeking of him should be in the sincerity of heart. It should be devoid of deceit or hypocrisy. Those who seek him with the right motive will usually find him. So my dear reader, endeavor to seek the Lord for the right purpose at all times so that your pursuit of him won’t be in vain (Jn.4v23-24).

9. By entering into covenant with Him. Those who seek like this usually encounter him in an unusual manner too because they often seek him with a sense of commitment and dedication. My dearly beloved ones, how strong is your commitment to seeking God? Are you resolute and determined in your ways of Seeking God? When you seek him like this, you will Experience him as you have never been before. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to get into the flow (2Chro.15v12-14).

10. With a Prepared Heart. If you will find God, you need to set your heart on seeking him. At times the reason we are not committed to seeking God is because of the condition of our hearts. I cannot set your heart for you, but it’s something you have to do for yourself. So it’s time to set your heart on Seeking God! As you prepare your heart on Seeking God, may you find him (2Chro.19v3; 20v3).

My Dearly Beloved Ones, I believe you can now see how God wants us to seek him. As you seek him in this manner, may you Encounter him in your life and ways in Jesus name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: (Ezra 7v10; Pro.16v1; Acts 11v23; 2Chro.12v14; Ps.24v4: 51v17: 145v18).

Prayer for Today: Lord, grant me the grace to seek you in the way you ought to be found in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: My seeking of God won’t be in vain because I will seek him in the ways he can be found. I am committed to the process of Seeking God, and by His Grace, I will seek him till the end of my days. Seeking God is my passion and desire. Holy Spirit, help me never to lose my hunger and passion for Seeking the Lord in Jesus name, amen.