Ps.24v6: This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, who seek your face. Selah.

We ought to be the generation of those who seek the Lord in sincerity and truth. God is looking for seekers and not people who are just seeking his hand. He wants a generation whose heart is genuinely panting after Him. It’s sad that in our day, not everyone is seeking God for the right purpose. In fact, people prefer to seek things instead of seeking the Lord. This is why this series of teachings are coming our way to redirect our hearts back to seeking the Lord because seeking the Lord is far better than seeking what’s in his hands. However, if you will understand what it means to be a seeker generation, you need to understand what seeking the Lord is really all about. In our last lesson, I shared three dimensions with you, but today, by his Grace, I will be sharing four more dimensions of seeking the Lord. So if you are ready, Let’s check them out right away.


4. To seek his House or Kingdom. Seeking the Lord also connotes seeking his House. True seekers of God also love his House or dwelling place. You cannot say you are a true seeker of God and you are not interested in his Kingdom (Ps.27v4). My dear reader, I hope you can now see what it means to seek the Lord. So are you also seeking the well-being of his Kingdom?

5. To seek his Word. To seek the Lord also means to seek his Word. You cannot separate Seeking God from his Word. They go hand in hand. A true seeker of God is also seeking his Word. The word of God is actually the companion of those who seek him. So as you seek the Lord, you need to have a place for God’s word because it’s God’s word that actually reveals the character and mind of God to you as you seek him. So, my dear brothers and sisters, you need to make God’s word a vital part of your seeking him this year and as you do so, you find Him (Isa.34v16; Col.3v16).

6. To seek his Will. Seeking God also connotes seeking his Will. In fact, God’s will is revealed to you as you seek him. I have seen this principle at work in my life several times. The same can also be true for you as you seek him. So, whatever area of your life that you need his light and illumination, you find it as you seek the Lord because his will is connected to seeking him. Those who seek the Lord genuinely are never ignorant of his Will (Eph.5v17). Precious Child of God, I believe you are gaining Wisdom and insights as to what seeking the Lord really means. May this revelation bring you to the place of Manifestation in Jesus name, amen.

7. To seek to be a blessing. Seeking the Lord also means seeking the Welfare and well-being of others around you. This is what seeking the Lord really means. Those who seek the Lord also become his voice, hands, and feet. They become a channel of blessings unto others because no one truly seeks the Lord and remains the same (1Cor.10v24). So my dear reader, are you ready to seek the Lord?

With these explanations and insights, there is no reason why you should not be a true Seeker of God because a new understanding has come. So no more walking in the dark. Light and liberation have come. As you seek the Lord, may your life never be the same again.

Other Scriptural References: (1Pet3v11; Neh.2v10; Pro.14v25; Ps.119v20, 131, 162; Gal.1v10; Matt.6v33; Jn.2v17: 15v7).

Prayer for Today: Thank you, Father, for opening my eyes of understanding to seeing what it means to seek the Lord. I receive Grace to be a true seeker in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: Seeking God is my delight and pleasure. My primary desire is to seek him. I am a true Seeker of his house and kingdom. I am a true seeker of his Word. I am a true seeker of his Will. I am a true seeker of the Welfare of others and as I Seek him this year, I won’t be put to shame in Jesus name, amen.