Matthew 7v7-8 ‘V7-Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: V8-For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.’
I trust that you are enjoying this series on how to get results in the place of prayer. Prayer is not supposed to be an exercise in vain but something that you can rely on and should also look forward to. I have shared three powerful secrets with you so far on how you can be more effective in your prayers. Today by his grace, I will be sharing another important secret to getting answers to your prayers. Are you ready for this? I believe you are, so off we go!
4 Knowing how to receive from God. This is another important ingredient in receiving answers to your prayers. As I have seen from experience in life that not everyone knows how to receive from God. Some people receive more from God than others, while others receive less the worse kind of scenario is those who don’t receive from God at all. So which category do you belong? My dear reader, if you will receive answers to your prayers, you need to know how to receive from God. Ps81v10-11.
Are you a good or bad receiver? Are you a slow or quick receiver? Luk1v13,18,31,38. I honestly can’t answer this question for you, as you are the only one who can answer this question. But at this juncture, I want us to consider how to receive from God. So what does it really take to receive from God? To receive from God:
I.You do so by faith. It takes faith in receiving from God. So my dear friends, if you want to receive answers to your prayers, you need to know how to use your faith because faith is the hand with which we receive from God. Anyone who cannot receive by faith will find it difficult to receive from God. Heb11v6. So it simply means No faith! No receiving! No faith! No answers! Matt21v22. But what is faith? Faith essentially is confidence in what God has said. It’s confidence and assurance in the spoken word of God. It also means to believe God regardless of what you see, feel, hear, smell or touch. 2Cor5v7.So my dear reader, how much confidence do you have in God or his word? This is going to be an indication of your Faith level and strength of your faith. Therefore, the more of his word in you, the greater your confidence in God and ultimately the greater your capacity to receive. So know this as a general rule, he who cannot receive by faith, will find it difficult in receiving answers to his prayers. So make up your mind today in building your capacity of faith, so as to be able to receive from God. If you are keying into this, say a Big AMEN.
Other Scriptural References: Mk11v24;9v23: Jam1v5-7: 1Sam1v12,17-18: Num13v30: Heb11v1: 1Tim2v8
Prayer for Today: Father God, help my capacity to believe in you in Jesus name amen
CONFESSION: I am a believer and not a doubter! I believe God’s word and because I am a believer, my faith is renewed and strengthened in Christ. As I build my capacity to receive from God by faith, my capacity to receive answers to my prayers also goes to another level! Glory be to God in the highest!
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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