Matthew 7v7-8 ‘V7-Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: V8-For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.’

There is nothing that can be compared to the joy of answered prayers. It’s an indescribable experience and this is the kind of feeling that God wants to give as per your prayer life. I believe you have enjoyed this series on ‘The Secrets of Answered Prayers’. I know that your prayer life will never be the same again because these truths will change your life forever. So what is another secret that guarantees answers to your prayers?

3. It operates according to the rules governing different kinds of prayers. This is another powerful secret of answered prayers. There are rules that govern different kinds of prayers. Prayer is not just prayer. The problem is that we have muddled everything together. You can’t afford to do this, if you want to receive answers to your prayers. Eph6v18. Just as we have different kinds of ball games i.e. football, netball, basketball, volleyball, handball, golf, hockey, table tennis, lawn tennis etc. There are different kinds of rules that govern their operations. So if you want to be successful in your prayers, you need to operate according to the rules that govern the kind of prayer you are praying.
Essentially we have different kinds of prayers, such as:
-Prayer of Petition. Lk1v13
-Prayer of Thanksgiving. Rom4v29
-Prayer of Consecration. Matt26v36-44
-Prayer of Intercession. Heb7v25: Rom8v34
-Prayer of Faith. Jam5v14-15
-Prayer of Agreement. Matt18v18-19
-Prayer of Commitment. 1Pet5v7
-Prayer of Binding and Loosing. Matt18v18 etc. to just mention a few.
So as a general rule, if you want to get answers to your prayers, you need to:

4. Understand the laws that govern different kinds of prayers. For example, the laws that govern intercessory prayer are not the same as that of the prayer of petition.

5. Understand when to use these kinds of prayers. And the simple reason for this, is because every kind of prayer was designed to meet different kinds of needs. For example, you need to know when to use the prayer of faith or the prayer of consecration.

6. Understand that these kinds of prayers are connected to one another in some ways. Philip4v6

7. Understand the rules that govern the kind of prayer that you want to pray. Pro4v5,7.

Dearly beloved ones, if you can successfully follow these guidelines, it will change your prayer experience forever in Jesus name, amen. If you are receiving this, say a big Amen

Other Scriptural References: Acts1v13-14;16v25: 1Tim2v1-2: Pro16v22: Jn8v32

Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, I receive by faith these wonderful insights about the rules that govern different kinds of prayers

CONFESSION: As I walk in these truths about the laws that govern different kinds of prayers, my prayer life is receiving a major boost. Glory be to God for my days of walking in the dark are over It’s a new day for me in Jesus name amen