2 Cor.4v8-10: We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed. Always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.
How have you been responding to the challenges of life? You can either respond positively or negatively, so in which way are you responding? You need to have the right mentality towards life’s challenges if you want to be victorious at the end of the Day. The great Apostle Paul shows us from 2 Cor.4v8-10 how to respond to life’s troubles. His attitude was spot-on and positive. If he could do it, I want you to also know that you too can do so. This is why I have been sharing with you some of the right ways God wants you to respond to the troubles of life. Today by his grace, I will be sharing more insights as to how to respond to life’s challenges. So if you are ready, here we go!
1. A Persevering Mentality. This is an attitude that never gives up but continues to persevere in the face of the opposition and trials of life. It’s a never say never kind of attitude. It’s a mindset that does not give up easily. This is how God wants you to respond to the challenges of life. Tough times will never last, but tough people do last. So make up your mind from today that you will not give up on your dreams, vision, and purpose. Be ready to fight for what you believe in and hold in high esteem. Those who give up easily on their dreams/visions never accomplish their colorful destiny. Don’t be a quitter but instead persevere unto the end (Matt.24v13). Be resolute and determined in your heart and mind that you will wait until you see the manifestation of your hearts desires and dreams. Doing this will ultimately position you for greatness and glory at the end of the day! (2Ki.2v15).
2. Optimistic Mentality. This is a positive-minded attitude. It’s an attitude that believes that all things will ultimately work together for your good. It’s a mindset that believes in the best and expects a favorable outcome towards the things you need. This kind of attitude is not negative but positive. This was the kind of attitude that Joseph had in Egypt. Despite the challenging situations he found himself in, he believed in God for the best. This is one of the things you can do for yourself. So I encourage you to be positively minded instead of being negatively minded. I want you to know that it is always a blessing in every challenge and God will never let you be put to shame (Rom.8v28).
So, my dear reader, it’s time for you to embrace this kind of mentality for you to fulfill your colorful destiny. Will you do so from today?
Other Scriptural References: (Gen.50v20; Neh.13v2; Rom.4v21; Heb.3v6, 14; Acts 20v22-24: 14v22; Job 14v14; Ps.37v7).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I choose to embrace and demonstrate a positive and persevering attitude in the midst of the challenges of life.
CONFESSION: Every challenge has an expiry date; therefore, I choose to be positive and not negative in the midst of life’s challenges. I will wait until my expected change comes. I will hold unto God and his Word. I know that weeping is only for a night but my joy will come in the morning. Therefore, I will continue to persist until my change comes. I am confident that everything will work together for my good in Jesus name, amen

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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