2Cor.4v8-10: We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed. Always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.
I have been sharing on having the right mentality or mindset towards life’s challenges, and I do hope you are getting blessed powerfully. It’s important to respond positively to the challenges of life if you really want to prevail over your troubles. Your attitude or mentality is important and in fact, it makes a lot of difference at the end of the day! Your attitude will determine your and ultimately also determines your performance. So how does God want you to respond to the challenges of this world? Your Heavenly Father wants you to respond to life’s challenges the same way the Great Apostle Paul did in 2Cor.4v8-10.
4. A Joyful Mentality. God wants you to rejoice in times of trouble or tribulation. I know this looks strange, but this is God’s prescription for trouble. The time of crisis is the time to rejoice and celebrate. God wants you to be joyful regardless of the situation/circumstance of life. And it’s possible to respond to challenges this way, for if the likes of David and Paul have done this before, you too can and you will also prevail in Jesus name, amen (Hab.3v17-19). Glory be to God, for my Daddy still gives songs in the midnight hour!
5. A Trustful Mentality. This is an attitude that is confident in God regardless of the situation or circumstance of life. This is the kind of mindset God wants you to display in your hour of Crisis! My dear reader, you can display such a kind of attitude. So never stop trusting God regardless of the situations of life (Job 13v15). I want to encourage you today to keep holding unto God, for your expectation shall not be cut off.
6. A Courageous Mindset. This is a daring and adventurous mindset. This is the kind of attitude you need to have towards the challenges of life. It’s possible to be courageous in the midst of trouble. When this mentality is at work, you never give in to your fears or anxieties of life. So my dear reader, it’s time to face your fears, worries and uncertainties. Make up your mind today that you will never shy away from facing your fears or Goliaths. This is how to be courageous in the midst of battle. As you display this attitude, I see you turning the corner. I see you coming out victoriously as you embrace the mindset of being courageous (Num.13v30).
Precious child of God, it’s not what happens to someone that matters but how you respond to it that matters. So make up your mind from today that you will begin to respond positively towards your challenges.
Other Scriptural References: (Pro.3v5; Dan.3v16-18; 1Sam.17v41-48; 2Cor.6v10: 7v5; Jam.1v2-4; Acts 26v25; Ps.34v1).
Prayer for Today: Precious Holy Spirit, I choose from today to embrace a joyful, trustful and courageous mindset towards all of my challenges in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I am committed to having the right kind of mentality towards my challenges in life. I trust God to make good His promises in my life, for he is too faithful to fail. I am confident in the ability of God to see me through this Crisis! I choose to confront all of my weaknesses and frailties. I will not allow fear and anxiety to dominate my life; instead, I rebel against every negative mentality in Jesus name, amen. As I embrace the right kind of mentality, my victory is guaranteed in Jesus name, amen.
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Joyful, trustful and courageous mindset reinforce one’s confidence in squarely facing the challenges of life.
Thank you sir for the impartation of wisdom.
As I embrace the right kind of attitude and with a good mind-set I prevail over every challenges of life, so help me dear LORD.
well done Sir.
I take on a courageous mindset. I win in Jesus name.
Thank you Lord