2Cor.4v8-10: We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed. Always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.

You need to know that the power of how to respond to life’s challenges is in your hands. For God has already given you this power, so it’s time to use it maximally. This power of choice is in your hands, so use it to the fullest dimension so that you can manifest your colorful destiny. Apostle Paul realized this truth that was why he chose to respond to the challenges he faced in (2 Cor.4v8-10); he responded positively and not negatively. His attitude was positive and right. This is the same way God expects you to respond to your current challenges (Rom.8v37-39). This is what this series of teachings is also about, as we will be learning how to respond positively to the troubles of this life. But before we start looking at this, what is mentality? Mentality can mean either of the following:

  • Mental power or capacity or intelligence.
  • Mode or way of thought or outlook.
  • A way of thinking. Mental inclination or character.
  • A person’s particular way of thinking about things.

And when we speak of the right mentality we mean the positive, proper, or correct mentality. There is a right way God wants you to respond to any challenges you may be facing. So what kind of mentality do you need to have towards life’s challenges?


  1. A Hopeful Mentality. This is a mentality that says that there is a way out of every challenge and that it has an end. Anything that has a beginning surely has an end. So that challenge you are facing now is not forever neither is it a dead end for you will surely come out of it. There is light at the end of the tunnel for you. This is the kind of mentality you need to have towards any challenge if you really want to overcome it. So, my dear reader, it’s time to embrace this kind of mentality. It’s time to hope for the best and not for the worst (Pro.10v28).
  2. A Faithful Mentality. A dependable, reliable, and trustworthy mentality. A mindset that keeps faith in God regardless of the circumstances of life; a mentality that is committed to God despite the challenges. At times, many people have forsaken or abandoned their faith because of the challenges of life. But you need not do so because having faith in and with God is what will put you over those challenges. So never cast away your confidence in God. God is never late but always right on time. Hold on to your faith and you will never be put to shame in Jesus’ name, amen (Heb.10v35-39).

My dear reader, I am persuaded that you can prevail over the challenges of life if your attitude or mentality is right. So, therefore, make up your mind that you will begin to respond positively towards the challenges you are currently facing. I see you winning big in Jesus name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: (Rom.8v18: 5v5; 2Cor.4v17; Lk.1v5-7; 2Tim.4v10; Jn.6v66; Gen.39v9; 1Ki.18v21).

Prayer for Today: I declare today in the name of Jesus that I will respond positively to every challenge that comes my way, knowing fully well that I am more than a conqueror!

CONFESSION: I choose to be hopeful and faithful amid the challenges of life. I know that no condition is permanent in life; therefore, this problem shall also pass away and I will be victorious. I will come out on tops. I know that everything is working together for my good. He that is in me is greater than any foe or challenge and I know that I will not be put to shame in Jesus name, amen.