1 Chronicles22v5: “Now David said, ‘Solomon my son is young and inexperienced, and the house to be built for the Lord must be exceedingly magnificent, famous and glorious throughout all countries. I will now make preparation for it’. So David made abundant preparations before his death.”
You need to take the responsibility of planning if you will ever fulfill your colourful destiny. This is what King David did in (1Chro.22v5) concerning the building of the temple. He prepared abundantly for the building of the temple despite not being the one to build it. He did this because he saw planning as a very important part of anything we do. This is also how you ought to see planning. No plans mean No Goals. No goals also means no results or accomplishments. This is why you need to take the responsibility of planning for your life and destiny. Your heavenly father, too, is a Master Planner, as we can see from the story of creation and other scriptures in the Bible (Exo.25v9, 40; Gen.6v13-16). In the same vein, you too need to take the concept of planning seriously, to understand what planning is, you need to know what planning is. Planning is from the word “Plan” which means “A detailed proposal for doing or achieving something” or an “intention or decision about what one is going to do”. This is what a plan means and this is why you need to take the responsibility of planning for yourself.
So why do you need to take the responsibility of planning seriously? What are the consequences of not making plans? This is what I intend to share with you now, which in turn will help to take planning seriously.
- You will remain where you are, i.e. fixed or stationary. This is what happens when you refuse to make plans for your life or where you are now. So if you don’t want to remain in the same spot, you need to be a Wise Planner (Deut.2v3).
- You will begin to go down, i.e. deteriorate. If you don’t want to rot and allow decadence to set in, you need to embrace the concept of planning (Eccle.10v19).
- You will be left behind. Literally speaking, none of us wants to be left behind. Nobody wants to be forgotten or lost. This is why you need to plan otherwise, you may be concealed in the dustbin of history.
- Frustration will begin to set in. A lack of fulfillment is often because of a lack of planning because someone without a plan is obviously going nowhere and is not pursuing anything. This is why you need to take planning seriously.
- You won’t be giving God any material to work with. Planning supplies God with some of the materials he needs to move in your life. So, my dear reader, this is what you need to be a planner and not passive with your life.
- Failure or misfortune will be the other day. This happens as a result of not making plans and it’s time to change this attitude if you want to be a winner and not a loser.
- You will be at the Mercy of others or other things.
Precious child of God, this is why you need to embrace the concept of planning. It’s time to take responsibility for where you are now and your life, I guarantee you that things and your life will take a new turn in Jesus’ name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Pro.16v3: 14v1; Lk.14v28-30; 1Chro.28v11-19: 25v14; Lk.12v16-21; 1Cor.14v8).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I embrace fully from today the concept of planning for my life and destiny in the name of Jesus, amen.
CONFESSION: I begin to take responsibility for my life and my destiny. I take responsibility for where I am now and for my actions. The responsibility of planning is my responsibility and I take full responsibility for that today. I make planning part and parcel of my life. I take my planning seriously. And as I plan, I also work on my plans. As I work, my plans, my life, and things change for the better in Jesus’ name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen