Isaiah 41verse10 ‘Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.’
Dearly beloved, God has made a way out of your fear, so there is no need to suffer. You can dominate and also walk in victory over your fears! This is what I have been sharing with you in this series of lessons, and today, by His grace; we shall be looking at another important element in defeating your fears. So if you are ready, here we go!
4. Feed your faith and starve your fears. This looks like a simple principle, but I want you to know that it also requires some intentionality from you. For most of our lives, we have fed our fears instead of starving them, but if you want to walk in victory over your fears, you need to start feeding your faith while you also starve your fears. The more you can do this, the more freedom and dominion you will have over your fears. Rom10v17. So as a matter of urgency, you need to stop feeding your fears! Instead, feed your faith. So how do you feed your faith, then? You do this by what you hear, speak, and think about! These 3 things or principles are essential to your victory over fear. And when I speak of hearing, speaking, and what you think, I am talking about hearing, speaking, and thinking of faith-filled words. And there is no avenue for this other than the word of God. So my dear brothers and sisters, as you hear, speak, and think on God’s word, you will be empowering your faith life.Mk4v24: Pro4v20-22
And to walk in victory over all your fears, you need to keep feeding your faith and starving your fears every day! This is something you have to do all the days of your life if you don’t want your fears to dominate you. So make up your mind that you will stop listening to and meditating on your fears! Stop talking about your fears too! Instead, start listening to the things that will build up your faith so you can win over all your fears. Are you willing to do this?
Other Scriptural References: Lk8v18: Pro8v34; 23v7: Philip4v8: Matt4v4: Ps112v7
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I receive grace to be a doer of your word in Jesus name, amen
CONFESSION: I choose to feed my faith from today. I have also decided that my fears won’t lord it over me anymore. Therefore I refuse to feed my fears. Instead, I give my attention and focus to feeding my faith. And as I do this, my victory over my fears is guaranteed in Jesus’ name, amen! Hallelujah!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.