1Cor.10v23: All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify.

You are welcome back to our discussion on the Principle of First Things. Certain things ought to come First in our lives and operations if we fulfill our colourful destiny. From our text scripture in 1 Corinthians 10 verse 23, it’s clear that not all things are important. In fact, we can also say that not all things are of equal importance, i.e. some things are more important than others. The ability to know what to overlook is what makes you Wise. My dear reader, it’s important for you to maximize your time, energy and resources effectively because failure to do so will lead someone to a life filled with regrets and disappointments. May this never be your heritage in Jesus name, amen. This is why it’s important for you to know what to focus on and what to disregard. So what are the really important things?


1. Your Personal Walk with God. Yes, this is the most important thing in your life. This is why you need to take it very seriously. Don’t ever joke with your personal walk with God. Don’t trade your walk with God for anything in the world because it’s your connection and Source of life (Job 22v21). So make sure you nurture and nourish your relationship with God. Give God the First place in your life. Make him your number one priority. Let God come first in everything that you do. When you make him first, you will never come last. Make him your source and not like your spare tyre. So what kind of investment are you putting into your relationship with God? (Jam.4v8).

2. Your Health. This is also another important thing you need to cherish dearly in your life. Don’t joke with your health because without it; you cannot accomplish your colourful destiny. Health is Wealth. This is why it should not be taken for granted. Therefore, start paying attention to your health. Stop abusing your health! Instead, take good care of yourself! It’s not a sin to take good care of yourself. Therefore, my dearly beloved, endeavour to:

-Get adequate sleep and rest.
-Eat Right. Focus on Healthy Eating; this will Greatly promote your overall health and well-being (Pro.23v1-3).
-Exercise (1Tim.4v8).
By every possible means, do the things that can promote your physical well-being and health. In this way, you will be able to make a mark that can be easily erased.

3. Your Life. Make sure you focus on your life. You need to remember that you only have one life to live and it’s important you live it well. Stop trying to play to the gallery. Stop trying to impress people. Work towards becoming the Best Version of You. Grow to your fullest potential so that you can become the person that God ordained for you to be. Be an original and not a photocopy. Make sure you concentrate all your energies on becoming What God wants you to be; in this way, you will justify the huge investments of God in your life (2Cor.4v7).

My dear brothers and sisters, I believe you can now see the reasons why it’s important for you to focus on the things that really matter. May the principle of First Things First take you to another level.

Other Scriptural References: (Matt.6v33: 15v8; Eccle.9v4; Pro.15v6: 27v8; 1Cor.7v20; 3Jn.v2: Jn.15v5; Job 5v8-9).

Prayer for Today: Lord, grant me the wisdom and courage to focus on the really important things in life in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: Thank you, Father, for making me realize that certain things come first and not last. I choose to put you first in my life and everything I do. I also put priority on my health and well-being. I will no longer abuse or neglect my health. I also choose to prioritise my life and I refuse to live my life to the wills and caprices of others. My life will glorify and honour you as I walk in this principle of putting first things first. Glory be to God, because the blessings of a truly fulfilled and satisfying life is mine in Jesus name, amen.