1Cor.10v23: All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify.
As you can see from our text scripture for this study, not all things are important or beneficial. The great Apostle Paul understood this Principle of First Things very well; no wonder he was able to make the impact he made. My dear reader, you too need to understand the principle of First Things. What does this principle really mean? It means that:
– Some things take precedence in time or rank above others.
– Somethings are more important than others.
This principle can also be referred to as the principle of honour, order and priorities. I have discovered from scriptures that this principle is a big theme and also a big thing to God. This is why you need to understand this principle very well.
1. To be able to lead in your field of endeavour. Without your understanding of this principle, you will not be able to stand out in your generation. One thing I have noticed about leaders is that they stand out in their generation because they live by the law of priorities. They understand the principle of putting first things first. Leaders understand that activities does not necessarily translate to accomplishments. So if you don’t want to unnecessarily dissipate your time and energies, you must put first things first (1Cor.6v12).
2. To live and lead a successful life. Successful People prioritize their work and life. They are not a jack of all trades and master of none. They don’t spread themselves all over the place. They understand that a life of anything goes will ultimately be a life in which nothing goes. So my dear reader, you too need to know that important things must always be done first, not last or second. In fact, never allow problems to determine your schedule. Keep your eyes always on what’s important (1Cor.9v16). This is the secret to a life of fulfilment and accomplishments. I pray that this will also be your heritage this season in Jesus name, amen.
3. To live a result-oriented life. This principle will help you to be effective at whatever you do. In fact, it will enable you to get better and bigger results at the end of the day because it helps you to major on major and also minor on the minor. So if you really want to live a result-oriented life, you have to consider this principle (Pro.24v6). It’s time to stop chasing shadows. It’s time to start focusing on the real thing. Doing this will take your productivity to another level. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to embrace this powerful principle fully. I see you becoming better and better in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Eccle.9v16,18; Philip.3v13-14; 1Jn.4v19; Matt.6v3; Pro.3v9; Lk.12v16-21).
Prayer for Today: Precious Holy Spirit, help me to major on things that are major and also minor on the things that are minor in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: This year, I will not dissipate my time, energy and resources anyhow. I maximize my life and potential to the best of my abilities. Through the power of priorities, my life is taking on a new meaning. I am gaining power and momentum in all my ways. I am lifted to New Heights because I put first things first. Glory be to God; it’s a new season for me from henceforth in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Never allow problems to determine your schedule, Important thing should be done first, one of the secret to a life of fulfilment. This is food for thought.
More Grace Sir.