1Pet.2v1-2: Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking. As newborn babies, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby.
Dearly beloved, there is a price for anything or any place in life. In fact, the higher you want to go in life, the greater the price you need to pay and vice-versa also. And when it comes to spiritual matters also, there are certain requirements for growth to take place. The big question to ask yourself is if you are willing to pay the price? The good thing about this condition is that it’s something that can be met by anyone desirous of a change. Are you ready to pay the price? I believe you are willing and that’s why you are reading this write-up. In our last lesson, I introduced one of these requirements to us. Today, by his grace, we shall be considering two of these conditions. So here we go.
- PRESSURE. Yes, it takes pressure to grow. No Pressure! No Progress! No Pressure! No Growth! No Pressure! No Promotion! The truth of the matter is that pressure helps you to grow. So how are you responding to the challenges you are currently facing now? How are you responding to pressure? Pressure can either take you up or bring you down. It can either make or mar you. No problem will leave you the same way it met you. Pressure will either stretch or stress you. It just depends on how you choose to respond to it. If you respond to pressure positively, then you will reap the benefits of spiritual growth like David, Daniel and Joseph did in their times of trial (Ps.105v17-22). My dear reader, it’s time to brace up for the challenges of life. It’s time to put on a positive mentality. It’s time to face your challenges squarely. As you do this, growth and progress will be the order of the day for you in Jesus name, amen. So start responding well to pressure instead of reacting negatively. This will lead to your promotion in life.
- PLAN. There is no growth without a plan. For it takes planning to grow. People and tourists from all over the world go to Dubai today but this would not have been possible if the founding fathers of the United Arab Emirates didn’t leave a concrete plan in place. So where is your growth plan? What are the exercises you intend to do every day that will bring you to the place of spiritual growth? What measures have you put in place for growth? No plan means no growth! As growth is not accidental or by luck. My dear reader, you won’t just grow overnight or just like that without any plan (Lk.14v28). If you fail to plan, then it means you are planning to fail. And it’s not just enough to plan; you need to work your plan. So my admonition to you today is to create an action plan for growth if you have none and aggressively pursue those plans to a logical conclusion. Doing this will usher you into a season of growth and development on all sides. Are you willing to take up this challenge?
Other Scriptural References: (1Chro.22v5; Mk.1v35; Acts 6v4; Ps.23v4; 2Cor.7v5; Rom.8v18; Jn.16v33; 2Cor.4v8-9).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I receive your grace and help in meeting the conditions for spiritual growth in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I am committed to my spiritual growth and I’m willing to pay the price required of me to blossom spiritually. I receive grace to go through the pains and pressure associated with growing up. I embrace these challenges powerfully and I will never be the same again. As I pursue my action plan for growth, I break new grounds and territories in my spiritual endeavours and journeys in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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