Acts 1v8: But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
Do you realise that there is power in your witness! Your witnessing is not ordinary; it’s extraordinary. This is why you should not underestimate the power of your witnessing or witness. You have awesome power at your disposal and it’s time to use it. Christ has given every believer the power to witness and it’s time to start using this power to the glory of his name. In fact, one of the primary purposes he gave you the Holy Spirit power is to be his witness, as you can see in (Acts 1v8). So what are you doing with his power? His power is not for decoration but to for demonstration. So the essence of this series of teachings is to encourage you to use the power of your witness effectively.
My dear reader, it’s important for you to also know that God wants you to be a full-time witness and not a part-time witness! This simply means we are to be his witness permanently, not temporarily.
You need to know also that you ought to be his witness i.e.
-Where you are now
-where you live
-where you work
-where you school
-Everywhere you go (Acts 9v19-22, 26-30: 23v11)
-As long as you live
This is God’s mandate concerning you and it’s time to justify the power of your witness. Oftentimes, we don’t realise how powerful our witness is, hence the reason why we don’t take our witnessing seriously? But I believe that narrative is about to change from today. So why take your witnessing power seriously?
You need to take your ability to witness seriously because of the following reasons:
- Because God is counting on your Witnessing Power. He depends on you to be his mouthpiece and spokesman! You ought to be his feet and hands. He seeks to touch our world through you. This is why you should take your witnessing more seriously (Mk.16v15, 20).
- Because other people’s lives are connected or dependent on it. Do you realise that there are people’s lives and destinies who are actually connected to yours? This is why you can’t afford to joke with the business of winning souls because there are people that will come to the Lord through you. So never forget those that were saved to save others (Acts 26v31, 34).
- So as not to limit God. At times, God seems not to be able to do much because we are not tapping into the fullness of our witness. If you refuse to be his witness as you ought to be, you might be hindering God, and you can never tell how much God can do if you will be willing to do something positive about your witnessing (Ps.78v41; Mk.1v45).
So my dearly beloved ones, it’s time to maximise the power of your witness. It’s time to put to use your witnessing power, for this is how you will be able to realise what It can accomplish for his glory. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to be on the go for Jesus! So may today usher you into a new season of your life.
Other Scriptural References:(Jn.4v38-30,39-42; Joel 3v14;2Cor.5v20; 1Cor.9v16; Acts 4v33: 14v3: 22v15, 18: 26v18).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, help me to maximise the power of your witness to the best of my abilities and for your glory in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I have his witnessing power and the grace of God. I will be his channel of blessing to my generation. I believe in his witnessing power that’s at work in me and I surrender to his working and power. Therefore, my witnessing for Jesus won’t be in vain! Many shall be brought to his light and kingdom through my life and works in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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