Pro.18v21: Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Dearly beloved, we are yet to realize and comprehend the power of our tongue fully. Why do I say this? I said this because of how many of us take the words of our mouth lightly. According to (Pro.18v21), the power of life and death is in your mouth. Think about this for a moment. It means the power to make or mar is in your mouth, or better still, the power of blessing or cursing lies in your mouth (Pro.10v11). Basically, what the scripture is saying is that there is enough power at your disposal than you ever realize (Pro.12v6). This is why you need to start paying attention to what you say and I trust that the Holy Spirit will give you an encounter today that will change the way you use and see your mouth.
So how can your words work for you? First, your words can begin to have a possible effect if you pay attention to these things:
1. Stop joking with the words of your mouth. Stop playing with your words! Mean what you say and say what you mean. Take the words of your mouth seriously. Let your words mean a lot to you. This is how to harness the power of your tongue. If your words don’t mean anything to you, then how can they mean anything to God and others? So, my dear reader, start taking your words more seriously (Eccle.5v2).
2. Keep your promises. Do what you say. Let your words be your bond. This is how to make your words impactful and powerful. Let your yes be yes, and your no be no. Do not be a double-minded person. Let you and your words be inseparable. Do what you preach or teach. By so doing, you will be tapping into the power of your words (Eccle.5v4). Be a man or woman of your word from today.
3. Always speak the truth. The words of your mouth cannot carry weight and be powerful if you are a liar. This is what many people don’t realize. They do not know that being deceitful weakens the power of your words. If you seriously want your words to work for you, always speak the truth no matter the circumstances. Flee from a lifestyle of lying and deceit. This is one of the best things you can do for your tongue. So, my dear reader, are you ready to embrace the culture of speaking the truth? (Pro.12v19, 22).
Other Scriptural References: (Eph.4v15, 25; Col.3v9; Ps.15v4; Jam.1v8; Pro.12v18: 6v2: 13v2: 14v3: 16v10; Eccle.8v4; Matt.12v37).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, help me maximize the power of my mouth to the praise and glory of your name in Jesus’ name, amen.
CONFESSION: My words will work for me and not against me. Therefore, I am lifted by the power of my words. I choose to speak according to the word and according to my heart’s desires. I speak faith and not fear. I speak possibilities and not impossibilities. As I cooperate with the Holy Spirit and the word of God, I am experiencing the transforming power of words in my life.
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Thank you Pastor Yemi Adeoti,
For this great word of wisdom,
1. You have really proved to me that the power of our tongues can bring HIGH LEVEL OF JUDGEMENT through the influence of psychosocial means,Religious power, that attracts HIGHEST DEGREE OF condemnation, high level of rejections, SNOBBING OF ALL FORMS, HIGH LEVEL OF APATHETIC from people interpersonally through many powerful means like Religious or any circular means.
And practically in my Christian journey almost two decades of connecting and relating with you Pastor Yemi Adeoti and Pastor Aderonke Adeoti (through Rhema chapel Agbowo, Rhema chapel Bodija to DDCC).
Practically I can testify to it in my very little experience in life, very little knowledge in the bible that this message is truth even biblically backed up.
Like the case of King Saul and David, Cain and Abel, Moses and the Pharaohs and many more that this power of tongue has breaks their divine relationship till the life was being jealousy protectively and managed turned to a life that was being threatened taken or heartlessly dealt with all resources in the capacity of the formal same people.
To use the influence of this great sin on great relationship between King Saul and David. (1Samuel 18:7-9) (24:4,6,9,10-12, 16-19) (26:1, 8-25).📌
I realized that this highly TERMINAL SIN (called POWER OF TONGUES through the scripture above) is potent enough to turn a formal SYMPATHETIC f King Saul that formally he could selflessly, protectively, sacrificially do anything to protect a boy call David even with the fact that the boy has everly be most unworthy, valueless, unqualified, essencelessly, mannerless, unqualified and unwise like Saul the King and all human resources in his environment especially while responding social stimulus which abnormal based on all standard including God’s standard.
And yes this great sin has now made the King Saul the same personality but APATHETICALLY dealing with his own son that the same life that the king was protecting be came a life that needs to be taking just to protect his own life and to resources.
However my observation based on some fact and respond from current societal norm now.
And to be realistics based on current world situation the most practical philosophy is: everyone must carry the responsibility of what happens to him even though even at the expense of life, souls Especially if you own personal whatever will be protected. Especially if you want to be relevant through Solomon’s wisdom and wise as serpent.
And with my little experience in life practically It doesn’t look like punishment gotten from committed through this power of the tongue could be forgiven.
But I no more sure based on current world reality.
Which is one of the greatest problem an highly equipped spiritual public figure like you as Pastor is being called and put in a social platform through Dare to Dream Christian Center (Church) to answer to and solve just if am not wrong.
And in my personal relationship with God especially through men’s regarding godly, sounds teaching and practical applications somethings are not clear.
And the bible says:
God is not the author of confusion. (1Corintians 14:33),
With little very, exposure, to the word of God, in relating with God and humanity in life including you and yours. I realized that THE POWER OF TONGUES that you are talking about has influence many positively and deadly negatively.
And with the scriptural refrence that I used between Kind Saul and David.
I realized that people normally response to different actions ( both natural and supernatural) out excitement, fear even with different motives either godly, ungodly or naturally ( of which event there were biblical).
And through many fear many behavior that think are unwanted, abnormal that is ungodly and godly were exhibited THAT LEAD TO SEEKING OF LIFE as a results of defensiveness that lead to attacks between a Saul and David through disorderliness in many form (mentally, relationally, psychologically, Socially, even spiritually) through the POWER OF TONGUES of David, King Saul, and every other that tongues involving in the scenereo.
Now I realized that many other emotional response emanated from the the events which is majorly called FEAR that leads to all forms of anger, inferiority, anxiety, insecurity, worriness, dispute, paranoid, hyper activeness in some useless activities out of confusion, stubbornness, foolishness, creating of boundaries, breaking of boundaries to protect, carelessness (especially to life), over carefulness of all the characters in responding the this life threatened development between King Saul, David and all the third party just to protect their personal interest and others interest based on loyal to God or others aside from God which is understood.
1. How can we balance the fear of God with the fear of men while using our tongues in other to avoid persecution or social rejection from God or men or both?
2. What is best motive we should have in responding to anything that happens in our social life either as a Christian I mean a true disciples of Jesus Christ in relating to circular world or Christian bodies or other worldly things among the three common motives below:
👉Motive to serve God according to His will and purpose in the fear of the Lord only especially to uphold His righteousness and his supremacy only which I personally think will give birth to all other motives and must not be against any of them except that of the devil from kingdom of darkness.
👉Motive to serve God and humanity in the fear of men even if it is against the fear of God out of over activity, passion, despiration to establish peace in our daily life.
👉 Motives to protect personal interest, safe personal life, personal resources gotten through circular means, Godly means or even ungodly means. Even if it’s being assumed for upholding God’s righteousness especially when someone concerned is to make heaven or want peace based on certain believe system?
👉 Motive to please God, men and the kingdom of darkness or Motive not to please any of the above?
3. In those biblical references I observed some forms many symptoms of Mental disorderliness among all the characters in those chaos, Both the King Saul, David and all other 3rd parties.
Though some of those symptoms were discovered through their response to some behaviors both good, ugly and bad. Though with a different motives either godly, ungodly, personally, generally or even confusedly, foolishly, wisely.
Just to maintain peace in any form it depends.
So my question is:
Do you think I am scientifically right or wrong with this my conclusion through my assignment and evaluation on all the characters biblical scenereo?
4. Yes why?
5. If No why?
6. If any problem, issues, challenges arises from the Power of tongue. As a representative of God in our society, what will you do to solve that problem either on any member of your church ( Dare to Dream Christian Center Bodija Ibadan) or not a member of your church, any other Christian from other denominations, or not even a Christin that comes to you or you discovered by yourself directly or indirectly?
7. What is different between religion and Christianity based on the context above?
8. Are there something I don’t know about you, and Dare To Dream Christian Center and the fullness the purpose of existence.
9. What comes to your mind, heart after reading all this ?
10. And can you evaluate yourself based on your reaction, perception, interpretation or response after reading this?
11. Even if it is silence, Why?
In the fear of who or what?
12. Lastly sir:
What do you think someone can do to control the use of our tongues to live a blameless life until God and onto all men❓
Thank for being a great Influencer in our society this powerful message to handle issues in due season.
I can’t wait to receive the next one tomorrow just if Jesus tarry as usual I hope it will answer my questions.
And solve my problem as a Christian.
My royal regards to Mama, your lovely children and everyone I love you all.
Thank you in anticipation.
©️ Ebenezer Ogunlade