Psalm 66verse16 ‘Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul.’
You should never underestimate the power of your testimony because it has the potential to do so many things for you, in you, and through you. This is why the practice and culture of sharing our testimonies must be fully embraced. Sharing our testimonies should be a part of our lives because our testimonies are a very important part of our faith. This is why you can see why the psalmist in our text scripture (Psalm 66verse16) is very keen on declaring or making known his testimony. The truth is that if God has truly done something in your life, you won’t keep quiet about it. This is how you ought to relate with your testimonies too. So my dear reader, why should you take your testimonies seriously? What can your testimony do? Your testimony can do so much if you declare and make your testimony known.
Your Testimony:
1. Confirms that the Word of God is true. Yes, sharing your testimony gives credence to the word of God. It goes to show that God is Faithful and that he is a covenant keeper. At times, people are skeptical about the word of God but sharing your testimony further reinforces the truth of God’s word. This is why it’s so important for you to share your testimony. Ps119v89
2. Is a source of witnessing. When you share your testimony, you are basically witnessing unto others. So your testimony is a witnessing tool. This is why you should share it and not be quiet about it. Through the testimony of the Samaritan woman in John chapter 4, several others were brought to the serving knowledge and grace of Jesus. So my dearly beloved, never underestimate the power of sharing your testimony because it makes the saving grace available.
3. Is a source of victory over Satan. Your testimony establishes and reinforces your victory over Satan. It shows that Satan has not prevailed in his plans concerning you. This is why it’s worth sharing. So my dear brothers and sisters, stop hoarding your testimony. Rev12v11. Halleluyah, I see God granting you permanent victory over Satan and his cohorts.
4. Is a source of encouragement unto others. I know this has happened to me several times and I also guess it’s the same with you. This is when someone’s testimony is a source of encouragement and hope. In actual fact, testimonies are a booster of our faith. This is why you need to share your testimony because you never know whom it can touch or inspire. So, stop keeping your testimony unto yourself. Share it so that by doing such, you can multiply its effect and impact. Jn4v42
Are you ready to maximize your testimony? Are you willing to tap into the power of your testimony? Then may the power of your testimony work wonders in your life and those connected to you.
Other Scriptural References: Mk5v19-20: Tit1v9: Isa55v11: Lk17v15-16: Mk1v45: Ps77v11
Prayer for today: Father God, forgive me for undermining the power of my testimony in Jesus name amen.
CONFESSION: I have confidence in the power of my testimony. I believe that what God has done is a confirmation of who he is and what he is capable of doing, so therefore I am lifted to another level by the power of my testimony in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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