Genesis 12 verse 1-4 (NKJV): Now the Lord had said to Abram:”Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him. And Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran.
Obeying God pays. It’s never a loss but a gain. Obeying God will do you a great deal of good. This is why you need to leverage the power of obedience. You could see this power at work in the life of Father Abraham. In fact, this is one of the driving forces behind Father Abraham’s success. He was a man that greatly obeyed God. This is just the summary of his life. If you, too, can imbibe the culture of obedience, you will experience greater exploits in your life. This is why I have been sharing with you some of the things that obeying God can do for you. In our last lesson, I shared with you five of such things; today, by his grace, I will share five more things about the power of obedience.
f. The power to change your world for the better. Through your obedience, you can positively influence your world. This is what Father Abraham succeeded in doing. You, too, can do the same as you obey God. At times we don’t realize that our obedience can also positively impact others for good. I have seen this in operation in my life, so I am fully persuaded it can also happen to you. Heb 6 v 12,15
g, The power of uncommon success. There is success and there is success. Success is not on the same level. The Kind of success that you will experience as a result of obeying God is different from other kinds of success. For Instance, look at the kind of success that Father Abraham experienced; it was different from others because it was linked to his obedience. So, my dear reader, if you want to succeed in an uncommon way, start paying attention to your obedience. Deut 29 v 9
h. The power to break through and break forth in life. Dearly beloved, I have discovered that obedience is the master key to breakthroughs in life because most breakthroughs can be traced to a lifestyle of obedience. This is the kind of power you see in operation in the life of Father Abraham and several other covenant people. Are you ready to obey God fully and to the letter? Gen 22 v 1 – 2, 16 – 18
I. The Power to terminate struggles and frustrations in life. At times, we struggle because we are operating outside his will for our lives. A lifestyle of disobedience is a surety to living a life of frustration. This is why you need to make obedience your best friend. As you do this, I pray an end will come to every fruitless effort in your life. Lk 5 v 4 – 6
j. The Power to lift up and promote. Obedience is a lifter and also a promoter. It will take you to places you never thought were possible. It will take you beyond your wildest dreams and imagination. This is why you need to embrace obedience. 1Sam 22 v 14. May this power of lifting and promotion take you to new heights in life in Jesus name, amen.
Dearly Beloved, it’s evident that the power of obedience is undeniable and it is also a force to reckon with. It’s time for you to tap into the fullness of this power in Jesus name, amen.
Other scriptural references: Jb 1 v 8: Ps 112 v 1: Lk 6 v 46: Deut 28 v 1: Gen 26 v 5: Acts 26 v 19: Eccle 12 v 13
Prayer for today: Lord, may the power of obedience take me to new heights in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I believe in the power of obedience. Therefore, I commit myself to a lifestyle of obeying God. As I surrender my will to obey God in all things, my life reflects those who obey Him. Hallelujah, the power of obedience is working mightily in my life!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Obedience is a lifter and also a promoter, it will take us beyond our wildest dreams and imagination : help me Lord to obey You fully.