1Chro.22v13: “Then you will prosper if you take care to fulfill the statutes and judgments with which the Lord charged Moses concerning Israel. Be strong and of good courage; do not fear nor be dismayed.”
Courage is such an indispensable quality that you need to have as a believer and even in our world today if you really want to accomplish your destiny and also leave your footprints on the sand of time. You can’t be victorious in life if you are timid, shy, or faint-hearted. You need to be courageous. This was the message King David was telling Solomon in (1Chro.22v13). He wanted him to be strong and courageous. The same can also be said about you and me. We need courage more than ever before. The time has come for you to manifest this attribute of courage in your life and endeavor (Deut.31v6-7).
To be courageous means to be fearless, valiant, bold, daring, audacious, determined, spirited, resolute, or lion-hearted. A courageous person is not deterred by danger or pain. They are brave and undaunted. This is who God wants you to be. (Pro.28v1). Precious child of God, you need to be courageous:
- In pursuing your dreams/visions. Without courage, your dreams will not see the light of day; so it’s time to courageously pursue your dreams. Don’t allow anything hold you back (Gen.12v1-3).
- In pursuing your goals/aspirations. No meaningful goal or target can be reached without having a courageous heart (2Ki.2v1-15).
- In speaking and living by the truth. Are you a man of your words or do you easily follow the crowd? Courageous people don’t compromise their stand (Dan.1v8).
- In following your convictions/persuasion. Do you follow through with your convictions or do you easily cave-in at the slightest pressure? It takes courage in following your heart and convictions. This is why you need to embrace a courageous disposition (Rom.14v5).
- In facing your fears. You cannot defeat your inhibitions, doubts, anxieties, and foes without courage. This is why you need to face your fears today. Stop running away from them and when you face your fears, you become fearless! Will you take up the challenge today? (Ps.56v3).
Dearly beloved, I believe you have seen the reasons why you need to display courage in your life and endeavors if you really want to live a satisfying life. I encourage you today to embrace courage and say no to every form of intimidation and fear in Jesus name.
Other Scriptural References: (1Chro. 28 v 10; Jos. 1 v 6-7, 9; Num. 13 v 30; Acts 26 v 19)
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I fully embrace the spirit of courage and I say no to every form of timidity and fear. I say yes to the spirit of courage that is in me from today in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I yield to the spirit of courage that is in me. I choose not to be easily deterred from my goals and destiny. I follow my convictions and not what is convenient. I follow my heart and not my head. I go where others dread to go because He that is in me is greater than any foe or power. Therefore, I choose courage over cowardice. Glory be to God for the Lord is my refuge and strength and I will not be put to shame in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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