Matthew 4 verse19-20. ‘vs19 and saith unto them, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. Vs20 and they straightaway left their nets and followed him’
You are welcome back to our discussion on how to know if you are a true disciple of Jesus. As strange as this may look, it’s not everyone who is truly a faithful follower of Jesus. This is why this series of teachings is coming your way because it will help you to know what it takes in order to be a true follower of Jesus. In our last lesson, I shared with you, some of the indicators of a disciple of Christ. Today by his grace, I will be shading more light on this, so without much ado, let’s delve into it right away.
5. They are committed to God and his Cause. A true disciple is someone who is completely sold out to his master. You cannot fault their commitment and dedication to God. They are committed all the way and with all their hearts. Their commitment is not situational or based on the environment or moods. You can count on them when it matters the most and most importantly, they won’t let you down. This is what it means to be a true follower of Jesus, so how would you rate yourself when it comes to your commitment to God? Are you committed with all your heart or with some of your heart? The answers you give to these questions will tell where you stand when it comes to your commitment to God. Lk.2v36-38
6. They are willing to make Sacrifices. In order words, they are a person of Sacrifice. They joyfully make sacrifices for the kingdom and for the good of others. They are willing to give up in order to go up. My dear reader, this is part of what it takes to be a true disciple of Christ. Anyone who is not willing to make sacrifices for his Kingdom cannot be his disciple. So, what are you willing to sacrifice? 2Cor12v15: Lk9v23
7. They take Up his Cross Daily. This has to do with dying to the flesh and its cravings. It’s also about living the crucified life. It’s putting the flesh under your Spirit Man, anyone who will be successful in becoming his disciple has to live this kind of life because this is the Kind of life that God would be able to work through and with easily. A true disciple is not living to please himself but to Please his Savior and Master. This was the kind of life, the early disciples of Jesus lived and this is how you too should live if Jesus will be Glorified in your life. So, my dear brothers and sisters, are you ready to die to your Flesh? 1cor15v31: Gal2v20
8. They are Proof Producers. By this, I mean they are able to reproduce the same works of Jesus. This is another important mark of a true disciple of Christ. A faithful disciple can do what his master has done and this is God’s will concerning every one of His Children. As his disciple, you can reproduce his works. So, are you a Doer of his Works? My Dearly Beloved Ones, you have not been called to be pew warmers but proof producers. If you are a disciple indeed, then doing the same works that Jesus did should be a common experience in your life. Jn14v12
I hope you can see from things I have shared with you today, what it means to be a disciple of Christ. Are you willing to be his disciple? Are you ready to learn and be mentored by the master? I believe that your answer will be a Yes! Therefore, as you yield unto him, may your life radiate the life and glory of Christ in Jesus name amen.
Other Scriptural References: Eph5v1: Matt10v38: Gal5v24:2tim3v12: Philip1v29: Jn6v66-68:1cor9v27
Prayer for Today: Lord, I submit myself to your refining and pruning work of discipleship in the name of Jesus Christ amen.
CONFESSION: To be more like you Jesus is my heart desire! Therefore, I surrender my will to your Will, I choose to please you More and More! As I draw close to knowing you Better, my life is becoming a true Reflection of your Glory and Life! Thank you for molding and changing me from Glory to Glory!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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