Matthew 4 verse19-20. ‘vs19 and saith unto them, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. Vs20 and they straightaway left their nets and followed him’
We are not just called to be believers but also Disciples of Christ. You can know if someone is truly a disciple of Christ or not because every tree is known by its fruits. Matt7v16,20. However before we consider the marks of a disciple, we need to understand what a Disciple is. Basically, a disciple of Christ is a disciplined follower of Christ. A true disciple is someone who is committed to following his master no matter the cost and also one who follows to the end. They are an adherent follower of Christ. They are not just following Christ but Jesus Christ is also the lord and master over their lives. This is the kind of followership that Jesus was calling Peter, Andrew, John, and James into when he called them at the Sea of Galilee. Jesus was calling them to become a passionate lover of his, because a disciple is also a devotee, supporter, or partisan follower of his master. Another word that captures who a disciple is a learner or student of his master.1cor11v1: Philip3v17
My Dearly Beloved Ones, what kind of follower are you? How are you following the Master? I have observed from experience that people follow God in various ways, some of which are as follows:
–Some Follow with Excuses.Rom2v1
-Some other People follow with Conditions. This is still not the best way of following Jesus.Matt8v21-22
– Some Follow with their Lips or Mouth. This kind of followership will not deliver the best of results. Mk7v6-7
–Those who follow because of what they will get or receive. What is your motivation for following Jesus? Is it to be recognized or to serve? Jn6v2
-Some Follow Half-heartedly. Heb6v12,15
So, my dear brothers and sisters, what kind of follower are you? Can you say indeed that you are truly his disciple? The answers you give to these questions will determine whether you are his disciple in spirit and truth. May today usher you into a new season in your walk with God! May your life bear the marks of his discipleship in Jesus name amen.
Other Scriptural References: Num14v24: Rut1v16-18: Acts11v26;16v4-5: 1Pet2v21: Col2v6-7: Philip4v9
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit I submit myself to your work of discipleship in Jesus name amen.
CONFESSION: Father God help me to be your disciple in spirit and in truth. I am willing and ready to learn and Walk in your ways. I am willing to commit myself to the process of being a lifelong learner. I say Yes to you and No to every work of the Flesh in Jesus name amen. May Jesus be glorified through my Life and endeavors!
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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