Galatians6 verse7-10 ‘V7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. V8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. V9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. V10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

The universe is governed by both spiritual and physical laws. This is the way that God has made it to be and one of the powerful laws that we have is the law of giving and receiving. This law is also called the law of sowing and reaping or the law of reciprocity. It is this law that Apostle Paul was talking about in our text scripture. So what does this law states? It simply states that what you give is what you will get, all other things being equal, or to receive, you must give what you wish to receive. The universe operates through this divine exchange; the earlier you know this, the better things will be for you. Basically, one of the major reasons God gave us laws is to better our lives and experience here on the earth. Jn10v10.This is what we see on display in the universe today i.e., as man discovered the laws of nature, it has led to the development and wellbeing of humanity, as you can see with the laws of electricity, lift, gravity, magnetism etc. This law of giving and receiving will improve the quality of life that you live here on earth if you cooperate with it. However, my focus today will be to share with you some basic truths about this law. This will further help you in maximizing this law.
Truths about The Law of Giving and Receiving:

1. It’s no respecter of persons, color, gender, or age. This simply means that it does not recognize who you are; it only recognizes those who obey it. The law of giving and receiving will only work for those who work it. So are you willing to work it? Acts10v4,31

2. It’s no respecter of circumstances or conditions of life. This law is unbiased because it works anywhere and everywhere it’s applied correctly. The law of giving and receiving will work in Africa, Europe, North or South America etc. Why is this so? It’s because it’s a fundamental principle. Gen26v12

3. It’s a never failing law. It will always produce once the conditions are met. There is certainty and assurance about this law. Hence this is the reason why it won’t fail you. Glory be to God! It never changes! Lk6v38: Jb4v8

4. What you reap is usually more than what you sow. In other words, the harvest is usually more than the seed, all things being equal. The returns are usually more than the investment. You see this principle at work in agriculture over and over again. And since all Truths are parallel, what you see on display is what will also happen when it comes to whatever you sow. This is why you need to pay attention to what you sow. Jn12v24

Dearly Beloved Ones, these are just some of the important truths that you need to know about this law if it’s going to work for you. I pray that you will be able to enter into the fullness of this principle in Jesus name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: Hos10v12-13: Pro22v8 :2Ki3v26-27: Matt7v16-18: 2Cor9v6

Prayer for Today: Thank you, heavenly father, for giving unto me this powerful principle of giving and receiving

CONFESSION: Glory be to God! For I am a partaker of the law of giving and receiving! This law works for me! For I am living proof of this principle! Thank you, Jesus, because my life is changing for the better in Jesus name, amen.