1Thessalonians 5verse16: ‘Rejoice evermore.’

A Joyful Life is the heritage of a Child of God and as you can see from our text scripture (1Thessalonians5verse16) that God wants you to be joyful. This is the reason why he says rejoice evermore or at all times. I know if you look at this admonition from the natural point of view, you might say that this is impossible but God won’t ask us to do something that we can’t do. So if I were you I would believe that it’s doable. And guess what: why did God say we should rejoice at all times? I strongly believe that it’s because of what Joy does in our lives, so God doesn’t want you to miss out on the great and immense benefits of his joy. This is why you need to make being joyful a regular part of your life. 1Thess5v18.
I also want you to know that our focus is on the joy of the Lord not happiness. Is there a difference? Yes, there is surely a big difference between the Joy of The Lord and happiness. The joy of the Lord is from God, while happiness is from happenings around you.
The Joy of the Lord is from within, while happiness is from outside. The joy of the Lord is enduring, while happiness is temporary of fleeting. My dear reader, I believe that you can see vividly now that the Joy of the Lord far supersedes happiness! The joy of the Lord is the gladness of heart that comes from knowing God, abiding in Christ and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Rom14v17. This is the joy that you have received as a believer and it’s high time for you to walk in it fully. However there are certain things you need to know about this joy if you will experience it in totality. What are the truths that you need to know about this joy?

1. This joy is medicinal in nature. What does this mean? It simply means that it has curative powers. So, this Joy has the capacity to heal and make you whole. This is why it’s a medicine that you need to take very often. Pro17v22. We all need healing and wellness to one degree or the other. So if I were you I would take a regular dose of the medicine daily. I have heard of testimonies of people who the power of Joy has healed and God is able to do it again in your life, if you will engage this weapon regularly. So, are you ready to embrace the healing balm of his joy?

Other Scriptural References: Philip4v4; Ps5v11:105v43; Isa12v3

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I renew my joy in you today by the power of your spirit in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I will bless and praise your name every day forever. I embrace joy. Therefore, I say no to every form of sadness and sorrow. My choice is rejoicing; this shall be my mood all the days of my life, so help me, God!