Pro.11v30: The fruit of the righteousness is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.
You are welcome back to our discussion on the subject of soul winning. I trust that you have been blessed and inspired by the things I have shared so far with you. Winning souls is the Father’s heartbeat, and it’s a divine mandate upon every believer (2Cor.5v18-20). As you can see from our text scripture (Pro.11v30), a fruitful believer wins souls and winning souls makes you wise. This is why you need to take this mandate seriously. In this series, I have shared so far with you 13 powerful reasons why you need to be a diligent soul winner. Today by his grace, I will be sharing two more reasons. So here we go.
- Because God wants his house to be full. This is the will of God for his church or kingdom. The Father seeks a full house, not an empty nest. His church will not be full if we don’t take up the mandate of Soul Winning seriously. Our part is in the Sowing & Watering of the Seed but God’s part is to bring the increase (1Cor.3v6-7). So, it’s time to reach out to our communities and reap in the harvest. The church is not just known by its seating capacity but by its sending capacity! Are you involved in the business of winning souls? Are you playing your part in the harvest? May today mark the beginning of your involvement and a strong commitment to this mandate (Lk 14v23).
- Because the early church was a witnessing church. The first or foundational church as we can see in the books of the Acts of Apostles is a soul-winning church. They took the business of winning souls seriously. It was their primary preoccupation, no wonder they made a great impact! The evidence of their exploits abounds in the book of Acts (Acts 2v41: 4v4).
Winning souls was their passion. Since this was the culture and habit of the early church and founding fathers, we ought to follow their examples and footsteps. We ought to win souls like they won Souls. This is why you need to take upon you the burden of winning souls! It’s time to be indeed a witnessing believer! May your witness never be in vain! May the spirit and passion for soul-winning come upon you! May we rise up from our slumber. May this season be your season of fruitfulness and greater impact.
Other Scriptural References: (Acts 8v4:5v14, 19-20, 42: 4v20: 11v24; Lk.14v21).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I embrace a new passion and love for Winning Souls in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I am sold out to the business of winning souls. It’s my occupation and assignment. By the grace of God, I will not fail in this Work. I receive his grace and help to be a diligent and committed Soul Winner. As I labour after the souls of men, I will not be put to shame in Jesus name.
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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