Proverbs 11v30: The fruit of the righteousness is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.

The church of Jesus Christ is supposed to be a witnessing church. We are called to be witnessing to people, and who is a witness? A witness has seen and can give first-hand evidence of some event. A witness is someone who attests to a fact or an event. A witness is a testifier. This is who we were meant to be as a child of God or as a witnessing Church. Everyone is supposed to be a soul-winner; the business of winning souls is everyone’s responsibility. This is why I will be sharing with you the subject of Winning Souls. We need to realize that this is one of the expectations of God concerning us. If we look at our text scripture in (Prov.11v30), it is very clear that the righteous are supposed to be fruitful, and how do you measure fruitfulness? You measure fruitfulness by winning souls, so it is time for us to rise to this challenge. In this series of teachings, I will be sharing why you need to win souls with you. Do I need to win souls? The answer is a definite YES, and there are certain significance or importance of winning souls, without much ado, I would like to begin to share with you some of the reasons why you need to be a soul-winner.


  1. Because it is a commandment of God. Soul-winning is not supposed to be a church program or just a method of growing a church. Soul-winning is a command of the Lord Jesus to every believer. The greatest responsibility of every believer is soul-winning. When we say a commandment, what do we mean by commandment? It is something that ought to be obeyed. It is not something that is meant for discussion, suggestion, or debate. When it comes to winning souls, you need to see it as a commandment of God to you, just like love is a commandment. Winning souls is a commandment too, so it is time to rise to this challenge. It is time for us to take the business of winning souls very seriously as a child of God. Evangelism is not an option; it is a command (Matt.28v18-19).
  2. Because there is joy in heaven over a soul that repents. This is why you and I need to be a soul winner. When you win a soul, it produces joy in heaven. Thank God for divine healing, deliverance, and other good works but what produces joy in heaven is the salvation of souls. So we can see, when you win souls, it is pleasurable to God and it rejoices the heart of the Father. Therefore, it is right to say that the greatest joy of heaven is soul-winning. This is why you need to rise to this challenge of winning souls (Lk.10v7, 10, 32).
  3. Because there are several untold millions out there in the world. This is why you need to take the business of winning souls very seriously. Do you know that several people have not heard the gospel? Do you also know that there are several people out there going to a lost eternity? Do you also know some people do not yet know Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Saviour? So take the business of winning souls very seriously. Let this mandate envelope your heart in the name of Jesus Christ (Lk.14v21, 23).

Other Scriptural References: (Mk.16v15: Matt.4v19: 28v28-19; 2Cor.5v18-20: Acts1v8,22 ;Ps.9v17; 1Tim.1v15).

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, create within me a new passion for the Lost. Revive my passion for souls in Jesus’ name.

CONFESSION: Heavenly Father, I receive a fresh baptism of fire for winning souls. Thank you for awakening my consciousness to the business of winning souls. I am ordained and anointed to win souls, and I rise within my spirit and my mind. From today, I commit myself to the business of reconciling men back to God. Holy Spirit, help me not to fail in this regard. Help me not to lose sight of this important assignment in Jesus’ name.