Jude 1 v 20: But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.

I am definitely sure that you are gaining wisdom, insight, and help through this series of teachings on praying in tongues. My greatest desire is to see these truths and benefits becoming a reality in your life. If you really believe this, do say a big Amen to this effect. Our text scripture in Jude 1 v 20 clearly tells us that praying in the Holy Spirit is a good thing because of the benefits it will bring to your life. This is what I have been sharing with you in this series of messages and today, by his grace, I’ll be sharing two benefits of speaking or praying in tongues with you. So here we go!


  1. Because it enables you to pray without ceasing. The truth of the matter is that you can’t pray without ceasing all by yourself or in your own power. This is why you need the help of the Holy Spirit. I have discovered from personal experience that one of the ways by which you can pray without omission and in or out of season is by praying in tongues. So my dear reader, what are you waiting for? It’s time to develop and improve your own prayer life. I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that your prayer life will get better as a result of praying in tongues. So will you take up this challenge today? I believe your answer is a Yes! As you do this, I see the Holy Spirit strengthening and empowering your prayer life (1Thes. 5 v 17; Rom. 8 v 26).
  2. Because it enables you to tame your tongue. Yes, this is absolutely true. Your tongue can make or mar your destiny. This is why you need to know how to discipline or control your tongue. This is an area where many of us struggle a lot but glory be to Jesus; the answer to our predicament is here. You can control your tongue by praying in the Spirit and yielding your mouth to the Holy Spirit will ultimately also help you to tame or discipline your whole body. This is one of the benefits of praying in tongues that you maximize fully to put your flesh under. It’s time to put your body under control. It’s time to tame your mouth so that you realise your colourful destiny. I believe that your change starts now (James 3 v 8)!

Other Scriptural References: (Rom. 12 v 1-12; 1Tim. 4 v 5).

Prayer for Today: Precious Holy Spirit, thank you for the wind of change that is blowing in my prayer life. Things won’t be the same again for me in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I rise above everything that is weakening and paralyzing my prayer life. I rise up to the place of power, authority and dominion. I rise up in strength and might. As I gain wisdom and insight, my prayer life is changing for the better. As I develop my capacity to pray in the spirit, I rise up to a new level of grace and glory in my walk with God. Glory be to God for my life is a true reflection of what it means to pray in tongues!