1Thessalonians5verse18 ‘In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.’
I do believe that you are being blessed and helped by this series of teachings on prayer! It’s been an interesting journey of learning and revelation! But more importantly, I pray that the lessons derived from this teaching, will change your life forever! I see God doing a new thing in and through your life! I see revival breaking forth through your life. If you are saying yes to this, can I hear a resounding amen?
Today by his grace, I will be sharing more reasons why prayer is such an important part of your life! We have looked at various reasons but there is still more to learn and discover. And so, my dear friends, if you are ready for more, join me as we explore more Insights along this line.
13. Becauase prayer will draw you closer to God. I am sure many people want to be very close to God! The key to this is simple, just take your prayer life seriously. Why is this so? Because prayer draws you closer to God. In fact, prayer itself is a means of fellowshipping and communing with God. Through your prayer, you come into his presence and you are also granted access before God. So my dear reader, this is one of the reasons why prayer is so crucial to your walk as a believer. I pray that you will be able to comprehend this truth in reality in Jesus name amen. Ps63v8; Exo33v11
14. Because prayer will open the heavens for you. Prayer is one of the keys to open heavens. And when someone enjoys open heavens they also experience the rain of his goodness and blessings! There are no delays or interference! God’s favor, fruitfulness and success become the order of the day! Prayer will make these things possible because of an open heaven.Lk3v22. My dear friends, I believe that you desire such a kind of experience! So get busy developing your prayer Life from today! I guarantee you that your profiting will be evident for all to see at the end of the day!
15. Because prayer helps you to receive answers to your requests and desires. Prayer will help you to meet your needs and expectations. This is one of the reasons prayer is so crucial and vital! Prayer gives you the avenue of receiving help and answers to your requests and burdens! Matt7v7-11. So it is time for you to leverage on this powerful principle of prayer because I know that it will change your life forever!
My dear brothers and sisters, I pray that you will not be able to recover from the impact of this series of teachings and truths in Jesus name amen.
Other Scriptural References: Philip4v6-7; 2Chro15v2; Ps42v1-2; Col4v3; 2Thessa3v1; Gen32v20.
Prayer for Today: Lord, help me to be a doer indeed of all these wonderful truths I have received via these teachings in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Glory be to God! His light has come! His glory will begin to shine in my life! Things won’t be the same again! My light is shining because God is doing a new thing in my prayer life. I am revived to be a blessing to my world! Hallelujah!
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Praise the Lord