1Thessalonians 5verse18 ‘In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.’

We have been talking about the subject of prayer and its Importance to our lives. I believe that you are being challenged to pray better and more than ever before. One of the primary goals of this teaching is to develop and improve the quality of our prayer life. I honestly believe that this will be your testimony at the end of day! If you have been following this series, I have been sharing with you some of the reasons why prayer is so important to our lives. And today, by his grace, I will go further in sharing more Insights along this line with you! So if you are ready, here we go!

7. Because prayer helps you to grow in your knowledge of God. Yes this is absolutely true! Prayer is one of the means of getting to know God better and more intimately. This is why those who spend time with God regularly in prayers get to know him intimately. This intimacy is what we all need in our walk with God! So this is why you ought to take your prayer life more seriously. I pray for you today that a new zeal will rest on your prayer life. 2Pet3v18

8. Because prayer will boost your sensitivity to God. Prayer helps you to hear from God. This is why prayer is so crucial and important. You can’t be a man or woman of prayer and not hear from God. Why is this so? It’s because there is a connection between prayer, praying and being sensitive to God. Rom8v14; Acts13v2. So my dear reader, I believe that you can see why you need to take your prayer life seriously.

9. Because prayer will activate God’s power in your life. Prayerful people are powerful people! Why is this so? It’s because prayer generates the power of God! There is no doubt about the fact that God’s power is in you but prayer is one of avenues of stirring it up and putting it to work. Prayer makes tremendous power available dynamic in its working according to James5verse 16. So, my dear reader, this is why you need to take your prayer life seriously! You need power to accomplish your destiny and aspirations! And this power is available through prayer, I pray that today will usher into a new season in your praying experience in Jesus name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: Acts4v23, 31, 33: 10v3, 30-31: 22v17-18; Rev3v6

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, empower my prayer life today in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I receive fresh fire upon my prayer life today. Let it consume every chaff and weight in my life! I receive fresh fire to prayer like never before in Jesus name, amen.