1Thessalonians5verse17 ‘Pray without ceasing.’
Prayer is such an important part of the Christian life, this is why God admonishes you to pray without ceasing. The subject of prayer is something that you cannot overemphasize; this is why God is sending this series of teachings your way. I honestly pray that it will ginger your prayer life for the better in Jesus name, amen. So my dear reader, do you value prayer or praying? How can you know whether prayer is important to you or not? This is obviously possible by looking at the following parameters:
1. How much time do you spend in prayer? It’s one thing to talk about prayer, but it’s another thing to pray. So are you a talker or a doer? The answer in this question will be found in how much time you spend in prayer. As you can see from the scriptures that a praying man or woman is committed to praying. 1Thess3v10; 2Tim1v3. So my dear reader, how much time do you spend in prayers?
2. How often do I seize other opportunities to pray? Those who value prayer, seize other avenues or opportunities to pray. So do you love praying with others or other opportunities of praying? The answer you give to this question will determine where you stand! But it’s time for you to take your prayer life to another level. It is time for prayer to become a part of all that you do! It’s time for a turnaround in your prayer life! If you are Keying into this can I hear a resounding amen? Col4v2
Other Scriptural References: Acts1v14: 2v42: 3v1:10v9; Matt26v41; Rom1v9
Prayer for Today: Oh lord, let your fire fall afresh on my prayer life today in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I declare that my prayer life will never be the same again because God’s visitation has come upon me! I overcome every form of lukewarmness and decadence in the place of prayer! Thank you, Lord, for renewing my passion for prayer.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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