I Thessalonians 5verse17 ‘Pray without ceasing.’

How important is prayer to a believer? For you to understand its importance, we are admonished in our text scripture (1Thessalonians5verse17) to pray without ceasing! The main reason for this is because of the value and importance of prayers! This is why you need to be consistent in your prayers. Now it would interest you to know that the idea of praying without ceasing carries the following impression:
-To pray incessantly, uninterruptedly.
-To pray without omission or without intermission.
-To pray as often as required or as frequently as is necessary.
Dearly beloved, this is the mode or attitude that God wants you to have towards your prayer life. Col4v12; Acts6v4
So how important is prayer? The answer is very important! Is prayer really important? The answer once again is an emphatic Yes!
In order for you to know how important prayer is, I like us to consider what some prominent people have said about prayer:
John Wesley – Spends 2 hours daily in Prayer.
John Welch – Thought a day ill spent, if he did not spend 8 to 10 hours in prayer.
David Brainerd -I love to be alone in my cottage, where I can spend much time in prayer.
Martin Luther – I have so much to do that I shall spend the first 3hours in prayer.
And for you to know the seriousness of this issue, consider the following quotes on prayer:
Satan laughs at our toiling, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray- The Kneeling Christian
The secret of all failure is our failure in secret Prayer -The Kneeling Christian

So my dear brothers and sisters, I believe you can see why you need to take the subject of your prayer life seriously. May Jehovah Grant you further understanding in Jesus name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: Lk18v1; Rom12v12; Col4v2; Eph6v18; Mk1v35

Prayer for Today: Lord, grant me grace to pray without ceasing in Jesus name, amen

CONFESSION: I receive God’s visitation on my prayer life! Therefore my prayer life can never remain the same again in Jesus name, amen.