Lk.17v15-19: One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, “were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well”.
From the story of the ten lepers in Lk.17v11-19, it’s clear that only 10% of the people returned to give God the glory or appreciation. We know this Samaritan leper because of his gratitude. He was thankful and grateful towards the Lord because of what God had done in his life. How grateful are you? Do you have an entitlement mentality or grateful disposition? There are certain lessons for us to learn from this Samaritan if our lives will really bring glory to God. When you appreciate all that you have, what you have appreciates. This is why you need to imbibe the culture of gratitude into your life and operations (1Thes.5v18). So what are the lessons for you and I to learn from this Samaritan leper?
- He was quick or prompt in his gratitude. He did not delay or postpone his appreciation to God. In the same way, you need to be prompt in rendering your appreciation to the Lord. Don’t ever become accustomed to or familiar with God. Never ever take His mercies for granted. Gratitude delayed is gratitude unappreciated. My dear reader, this is an important principle for you to always remember (Lk.17v15).
- He was bold with his gratitude. He was not shy about what God had done for him, hence the reason he was elaborate, loud, and courageous in the way he demonstrated his thanks. The truth of the matter is that if God has really done you well, you can’t keep silent and for those who put premium on gratitude, they would go out of their way to show it. This is also what God expects from you too. It’s time for you to demonstrate your gratitude to the Lord. Go for it and let nothing stop you (Lk.17v15).
- He was humble in his gratitude (Lk.17v16). Gratitude is humbling in nature. A truly grateful person is also a humble person. It takes humility to worship God as this Samaritan leper did. He fell down flat on his face at the feet of Jesus. This evidently shows the kind of spirit that he was made of. Grateful people are genuine worshippers. Are you a worshipper or a complainer? It’s time to come before His presence in humility and honor. When you do this, you will see another dimension of God. It’s time to imbibe the culture and spirit of gratitude.
Other Scriptural References: (Acts 16v25; Heb.13v15; Col.1v12: 2v7: 3v17: 4v2).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I say yes to the spirit of gratitude and I fully embrace the attitude of gratitude in all that I do in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Lord, I thank you for being my sufficiency. I do not take your mercies for granted. I appreciate your goodness and kindness in my life. I am grateful for my life and what you are doing. I am grateful for what you have done and the things you are yet to do. I am grateful for everything. I am grateful all the way. Glory be to God, for I am lifted by the power of gratitude to another dimension.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Lord, help me to be prompt, bold and humble as I make gratitude and thanksgiving my lifestyle.
Thank you LORD for all You have done, doing and will still do. I fully embrace the attitude of gratitude, help me Lord in JESUS Name.