Deuteronomy 23verse5: “Nevertheless, the Lord your God would not listen to Balaam, but the Lord your God turned the curse into a blessing for you, because the Lord your God loves you.”
We serve a God that is capable of Turning Things Around for the better or good, this is part of the track record of Jehovah. It’s part of his DNA. It’s what he wants to do in his children’s life, and I am sure you will be partakers of this awesome grace in this season. The way he turned the Curse of Balaam into a blessing for God’s people (Deut.23v5), he will do the same for you too. This has been the subject of our discussion for some time now. However, my focus in today’s lesson will be how to experience a Positive Turnaround in whatever situation of life you may be. How can God turn Things Around for my good? This is the question I will be addressing here today. I know you will be greatly blessed in Jesus name, amen. So without much ado, let’s check out how to make this happen.
1. Be Willing to believe the Prophetic Word. Yes, this is an important requirement for you to experience a Turnaround in whatever situation. Believing has to do with having faith or confidence in what God has said to you. So what has God said to you concerning that situation you are currently in right now? Do you believe his report or do you have doubts with what he has said? The truth of the matter is that the enemy will always come against what God has said in one way or the other. This is his strategy i.e. to steal or corrupt what God has said but it’s your responsibility not to allow him (Jam.4v7; Jn.10v10). Don’t allow the enemy to steal your Miracle or Breakthrough. You need to Believe his Word to You. In fact, you need to believe it:
- Wholeheartedly. Believe his promise to you with the whole of your heart (Rom.14v5).
- Until there is a Performance. Never let go of his Word. Hold fast unto it until there is a performance (Heb.10v39).
- In the Face of Contrary Evidence. This is what the fight of faith is all about. The fact that God said it does not mean that it won’t be contested (Jud.1v3). No matter what your situation is saying, believe what God has spoken about you instead. It will come to pass if you don’t give up.
My dear reader, believing the prophetic word is one of the keys to experiencing your much-needed turnaround. So let nothing hinder your ability to believe his promise to you. I need you to understand the following things about the Prophetic Word: - It may not make sense but that does not mean it won’t come to pass. God’s ways are higher than your ways (Isa.55v11)
- Looks too good to be true. This also does not mean that it’s not of God. Don’t allow this observation to blow you away (2Ki.7v1-2).
- Looks like it’s hard to come to pass (Jer.32v17, 27). This may be true from the natural point of view, but God is bigger than the natural. So be expectant when it looks like it’s not going to come to pass that’s when God will show up.
My dearly beloved ones, just make sure that you are holding unto whatever God might have said to you. Be a Steadfast Believer. Your Miracle is on the Way. Hold fast to his Word! Your waiting shall not be in vain. Glory be to God, I can see you in your new Glory. Receive now in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Lk.1v20, 37-38, 45: Acts 27v25; 2Chro.20v20; Isa.7v9; Mk.6v5-6; Jn.11v40; Rom.4v17-21; Isa.26v3-4; Heb.3v19).
Prayer for Today: Father God, turn around my story for the better in Jesus name, amen. Give me a New Song.
CONFESSION: Lord, I believe your word to me, please help my unbelief. I believe you will do what you said you will do. I may not know how you will do it but I believe notwithstanding. I believe that my change is on the way. I am expecting it and my expectations won’t be cut off. This is my testimony and song in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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