2 Cor. 9 v 8: “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.”
Our God has several means by which He reveals himself and at times, He does this through His names. Here in (2Cor.9v8), He is manifesting Himself as the God of all-sufficiency. This is who He is and another attribute of His character and nature. He is the God of all-sufficiency! What does this mean?
- He is sufficient i.e. more than enough for all in your insufficiencies. There is no insufficiency in or with God. Your heavenly father is sufficient for all, not some of, your insufficiencies (Jn.1v16).
- He is sufficient for all your needs. This includes both your present or future needs. Glory be to God; your God is more than enough (Phil.4v19).
- There is grace for all-sufficiency and this grace is resident in him (1Pet.5v10).
Dearly beloved, I want you to know that the God of all-sufficiency is alive and at work on the earth today. He has not changed or failed. There is no need of yours that He can’t handle. So it’s time to look up to Him.
You need to know that the God of all-sufficiency has various means of meeting your needs and I’ll like to share some of them with you today.
Ways of Jehovah meeting your needs:
i. Through the works of your hand. God does meet your needs through what you do. This is why you can’t afford to be idle (Deut.2v7).
ii. Through other people i.e. this could be directly or indirectly. God met the needs of Elisha directly through the Shunamite Woman (2Ki.4v8-16) and also met the needs of Naaman indirectly through a maid in his house (2Ki.5v2-3).
iii. Through supernatural means. For instance, how God fed Israel with manna and water out of the rock in the wilderness (Neh.9v21). He still does miracles today and your case won’t be an exception in Jesus name, amen.
iv. Through the insights/solutions that you provide. By becoming a solution-provider like Daniel and Joseph were, you are creating an avenue for your needs to be met (Ps.105v17-22).
My dear reader, I pray that you will experience the grace of His sufficiency in every area of need in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Gen.41v37-39; Dan.1v17-21; Lk.8v2-3; Job 1v10; Gen.24v1; Lk.22v35; 2Cor.3v5; 1Ki.10v13, 23, 27).
Prayer for Today: Lord, I acknowledge you as the God of all sufficiency in my life. Therefore, I will not be put to shame in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: The God of all-sufficiency is my God. Therefore, I will not be stranded in life for Jehovah is my source, supply, and sufficiency. I enjoy His unlimited grace and provision. And I declare that His grace is more than enough for me in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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