1Corinthians16verse14 ‘Let all your things be done with charity.’

Love has certain obligations you need to know if you will ever profit from your love walk. Love is the greatest and does not fail. 1Cor13v7. And when I speak of love in this respect, I am speaking of God’s love or Agape love. This kind of love is more than a feeling or emotion. It is a person and also a Spirit.1Jn4v8.This kind of love is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional, friendly and caring in nature. However, if you succeed in waking in love you need to know the elementary or fundamentals of love. This is what I have been sharing with you and today, by his grace, I will be shading more Insights along this line. So here we go, if you are ready!

3. You ought to love yourself. This is also called self-love. It’s not a sin to love yourself. In fact, you can’t love others beyond the extent to which you love yourself. Lev19v18.So my dear reader, do you love yourself? Loving yourself is not a sin and it’s so crucial to your overall wellbeing and progress! This is another important fundamental truth about love that you need to know without any iota of doubt and so I pray that God will grant you a further understanding of this truth in Jesus name, amen.

4. You ought to love others. This includes both believers and unbelievers alike. This is in fact, one of the hallmarks of being a true believer of Christ. And this is the way Christ loved; if you are a child of God, this is how you ought to love also.Jn13v33-34.My dear friends, love is not in words or tongues but it should be in truth and deed. Love is the acid test of your devotion to God. So how much do you love others? You cannot say that you truly love God and you also hate your brother or sister. It doesn’t work that way! So, my dear reader, this is another important fundamental obligation of love that you need to know if your love walk will be effective.1Jn3v11, 18.
I pray that Jehovah will grant you a further understanding and revelation of these truths in Jesus name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: 1Cor13v1-8; 1Jn4v7-8; Lk10v37; Eph5v28-29; Col3v14

Prayer for Today: Lord, I fully embrace your love as my way of living in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I love me! I love what God has created and made! I am in love with myself! I am fearfully and wonderfully made! Because I am a recipient of love, I do not struggle to love others. I love my neighbour as myself! Glory be to God! For his love works mightily in me!