1Chro.11v9: “So David went on and became great, and the Lord of hosts was with him.”

Dearly beloved, God’s perfect will is for you to experience supernatural progress i.e. progress that is beyond the natural or uncommon progress. This was certainly the testimony of King David in (1Chro.11v9) but we also need to realize that there are certain obstacles to our progress that we need to deal with. These obstacles are the enemies of our progress and in our last lesson, I shared three of such enemies with you. Today by His grace, I want us to examine some other enemies of our progress. So if you are ready, here we go!

The enemies of our supernatural progress:
4. Fruitless labours. This has to do with labouring with nothing to show for it or not producing or incapable of producing offspring. This is another enemy that you need to say no to if you want to move forward in life. Barrenness is not your heritage as a believer, so you need to rebel against every agent of barrenness in your life and ministry. Now is the time to say no to every form of fruitless labor in your life (Isa.65v23).

5. Cycle of failure. This means repeated or perennial failure. This has to do with failing over and over again. This is another enemy of your progress that you need to deal with. Dearly beloved ones, I do understand that failure is part of life but when it becomes the norm, it becomes a source of concern and worry. This is why you need to rebel against every cycle of failure in your life. Stop putting up with it. Success is your heritage and portion. I therefore encourage you to begin to say no to the cycle of failure from today. As you do this, you will be setting in motion the powers that will lift you up above failure. May this be your testimony in Jesus name, amen (Jn.5v5).

6. Cycle of disappointment/frustration. This simply talks about sadness or displeasure caused by the non-fulfilment of one’s hope and expectations. Are your hopes continually being dashed or thwarted? Do you experience repeated disappointments? Then the time has come for you to say no to every form of disappointment in your life. Why not start today? Begin to say no to the cycle of frustration in your life. Make up your mind that you will not succumb to this enemy of your progress anymore. Start resisting and rebelling from today. I can see a new beginning on the horizon for you (1Chro.4v9-10).

Other Scriptural References: (Phil.2v16; Mk.5v26; Pro.10v22; Gen.30v1; Esth.9v4; Gen.26v13; Ps.84v7; 2Chro.26v5, 15).

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I affirm from today that supernatural progress is my lot and heritage. I will make supernatural progress in every area of my life and endeavour in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: Supernatural progress is my lot and heritage in this life. Therefore, I say no to every enemy of my progress. I say no to every form of fruitless effort in any form and dimension. I rebel against the cycle of repeated failure and I say no to every cycle of disappointment and frustration. Nothing shall be able to deter or stop me from experiencing supernatural progress in my life and ministry in Jesus name, amen.