1Chro.11v9: “So David went on and became great, and the Lord of hosts was with him.”
It’s very clear from God’s word that you ought to make supernatural progress in life, just as King David waxed greater and greater in (1Chro.11v9). This ought to be the testimony of every child of God but the truth of the matter is that there are enemies standing in the pathway of our progress. What are these enemies? The focus of this teaching is to help you identify such and deal with it decisively in Jesus name, amen. What are some of those things you need to say no to if you really want to move forward in your life?
The enemies of supernatural progress:
1. Stagnation. This is basically remaining on the same spot for too long. Dearly beloved, it’s time to break free from everything that has kept you on the same spot. I want you to declare today that you are rebelling against every agent of stagnation in your life. If you believe that, do say a big amen (Deut.2v3).
2. Monotony. This has to do with having the same experience or results over and over again i.e. tedious repetition and routine. This often bring boredom and a lack of interest. This is also another enemy of your progress that you need to rebel against. Thank God, you have results in your life but the time has come to experience new and better results. If you believe this, do say a big amen (Isa.43v18-19). My dear reader, it’s time to rebel against every agent of monotony in your life.
3. Retrogression. This is returning to an older or worse state. It’s going backwards instead of moving forward. This is another enemy of your progress that you need to rebel against. I want you to declare this out authoritatively with me: “I rebel against every agent of retrogression in my life today.” God’s will is for you to keep moving forward and not going under. So dearly beloved, I urge you to embrace supernatural progress as against retrogression in Jesus name, amen (2Sam.3v1).
My dear reader, I see you triumphing over every enemy of your progress in Jesus name, amen. I see you subduing all these enemies. I see you moving forward from today.
Other Scriptural References: (Pro.4v18; Job 8v7; Jn.5v5; Acts 13v2; Rev.21v5; Lk.17v32; Phil.3v13-14; Ps.71v21: 115v14).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I know and I believe in your covenant of supernatural progress for my life. This shall be my heritage and experience in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I stand against every enemy of my progress in life and ministry. I say no to stagnation, monotony and retrogression. I shall not be grounded nor stranded in life. I am bearing new and better fruits. Backward never but forward ever is my motto and creed. I rebel against every enemy of my progress in Jesus name, amen. Glory be to God for I am marching forward.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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