Ecclesiastes 4verse9 ‘Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labour.’
There are Do’s and Don’ts in any Relationship if that relationship will go far. This has been the basis of our discussion for some time now. If you want to be successful in your relationship with others, especially with the opposite sex, then you need to pay close attention to these truths I have been sharing with you. It’s going to be life-saving and transformational. There is no doubt about the power of relationships, but more importantly, we need to understand what makes a working relationship. This is what this series of teachings is all about, and today, by the grace of God, I will be shading more light on this issue. So what are the Rules guiding and governing relationships that I need to know?
11. Don’t ever take your partner for granted. This is a very important rule that you need to pay attention to. It doesn’t matter how long you have known each other. Never get so used to each other to the point that you no longer respect each other. It’s possible to become familiar with your partner. However, you should never allow this to happen. Always learn to cherish and appreciate your partner. Celebrate them for what they are and who they are. You need to do this deliberately and consistently if you want to be successful in your relationship walk (Pro.31v28-29).
12. Let your expectations be realistic. At times, this is one thing that can kill any relationship, especially a marital one for that matter. So keep your expectations in check. Avoid unrealistic expectations as much as possible because it can easily destroy your relationship with your partner. Instead, keep your expectations real, realistic, and genuine. Stop asking for what is not visible or possible. Stop living on a fantasy Island. Be real with yourself and your spouse too. This is one major principle that can greatly help your relationship (Pro.10v28).
13. Stop Trying to Change Your Partner. This is one of the major mistakes people make in their relationship walk. If the truth is told, you cannot change your partner. Only God can change someone. So stop trying to do the Work of God. Instead, focus on working on yourself. The best you can do for your partner is to pray for them and also to encourage them to improve and support them in whatever way possible. You will see the miracle of Transformation by His grace and Power as you do this. So stop making the mistake of trying to change your partner. Leave that work for God. Trust me; He will do a far better job than anyone (Pro.16v3).
14. Don’t forget big dates. This is something that you need to master if you want your relationship to be excellent. Whatever you need to do, do so that you don’t forget dates like Birthdays, Anniversaries, Graduations, Inductions, etc. These are important dates in the lives of your partner and the best you can do is remember them and celebrate them with the ones you care about.
15. Never stop chasing one another. You need to keep your love and affection for your Loved ones. Many things will come against your love for your partner, but you need to be on your guard always to protect and shield your love for your partner. So my dear brothers and sisters, make sure you keep the flames of love alive and aglow in your relationship. Don’t let your love grow cold. Make sure you constantly feed, nurture, and nourish your love for your partner. It’s just like a garden that you need to watch over if weeds or other rodents won’t take over. So my dear reader, always evaluate your love for your partner from time to time to make it stronger and better (SOS 4v7: 8v6-7).
So my dear reader, to what extent are you abiding by the rules of positive relationships?
Other Scriptural References: (Pro.10v12; Lk.6v31; SOS 2v16; Ruth 1v16-17; 1Pet.4v8; 1Cor.16v14; Eph.5v21; Eccl.4v12).
Prayer for Today: Abba Father, help me in making the most of my relationship with my partner in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Lord, I am willing and ready to learn whatever will make my relationship life better. Help me change my ways and attitudes so that a new me can come out for your glory. Holy Spirit, I surrender to your help and wisdom in becoming a better person in the walk with my partner. Thank you for changing me from inside out in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏🙏 Amen 🙏