Eccle.4v9: Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labour.
You are welcome back to our discussion on the Do’s and Don’ts of Relationships especially the one that has to do with courtship, dating, or Marriage. It’s important for you to realize that there are rules, regulations, or instructions that guide the operation of anything. Not everyone is aware of these rules that is why they also make a shipwreck of their relationship lives. This is why God is bringing this series of teachings your way so that you can be a better person in your relationship life. I introduced some of these principles to us in our last lesson, today by his grace, I will go further by explaining some other important details about relationships. So if you are ready, here we go!
6. Never get Married or Engaged out of pity or pressure. Instead, make sure you are in that relationship based on your convictions or persuasion. This is absolutely very important if you want to be successful in your relationship life. So why are you in that relationship? Do you have a deep-seated conviction within your heart or are you just pretending? Always follow your heart and not your head. If you follow your heart, you will never go wrong (Rom.14v5).
7. Never marry someone who is not willing to be Accountable. Accountability is very important in any relationship and it will be a great blessing to you. As a general rule, don’t marry anyone who wants to live anyhow or do things anyhow. Anyone who is not willing to be accountable is not Responsible and they are a Disaster in the making. So marry someone who is willing to be accountable for their actions, feelings, behavior etc. As a general rule, your partner should be:
– Accountable to God (Rom.13v7).
– Accountable to those above them i.e. Constituted Authorities.
– Accountable to their Partner.
– Accountable to yourself.
Freedom comes with Responsibility, so my dear reader, make sure you marry someone who fears the Lord and also men.
8. Be spiritually compatible with your partner. It’s important that you marry someone with the same faith, beliefs, or values about God, family, and life generally speaking. This is one of the essential keys to success in a Marital Relationship (2Cor.6v14-16). Although I must say that there are examples of marriages between people who are not of the same faiths and beliefs but what is most common are Marriages between People who are spiritually compatible with each other. So make sure you are compatible with your partner spiritually speaking.
9. Take your time before you Commit. Make sure you prove all things as the Bible says (1Thes.5v21). Don’t be in a hurry to get married. Don’t make a permanent decision based on temporary feelings. Be absolutely sure of what you are doing and of who you are dealing with. One thing about time is that it’s a good processor and a great revealer of truths and any secrets (Pro.19v2). My dear reader, this is another important principle you need to consider in your relationship life. One major advantage of doing this is that it helps you to know the kind of person you are dealing with i.e. Who they are, where they come from, what they do, what they have been through, their past, present, and future (Pro.19v2). Make sure you allow the process of time to test whatever kind of relationship you are in Jesus name, amen.
10. Never put yourself in a compromising Position or Situation. This is another key rule in any relationship. There are some positions that is very easy for you to fall and there are some positions where it’s very easy for you to stand. You need wisdom and discernment to be able to make the right kind of decisions when the occasion arises. For some things, you need just common sense while for others you need to use your sense of judgment. For instance, here are some examples of some positions that you need to avoid:
– Avoid being alone with each other at ungodly hours of the day.
– Avoid undressing before each other.
– Avoid sleeping in the same room.
– Avoid being emotionally attached to someone that’s not your spouse.
– Avoid being unnecessarily close to someone who is not your spouse or another person’s spouse etc. (Gen.39v10).
My dear brothers and sisters, never ever put yourself or your partner in any compromising position as this is capable of destroying your relationship. So pay close attention to this rule for it will greatly help you in developing healthy and powerful relationships (1Cor.10v12).
My Dearly Beloved Ones, it’s time to start paying attention to these truths about relationships if you want to really be successful in your relationship life.
Other Scriptural References: (1Cor.5v9; Deut.7v1-4; Eph.5v11: 4v27; Rom.12v1; 2Cor.8v21).
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me to be a Doer of these truths that I have learnt today in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: By the grace and wisdom of God, I will succeed in my relationship life. As I apply myself to the truths that I am receiving today, I am becoming a better person and changing in my capacity to relate with others. Holy Spirit, thank you for changing me from glory to glory! I receive newness of grace upon my relationship life. As I apply these truths into my daily walk, things are changing for the better in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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