1Corinthians14verse40 ‘Let all things be done decently and in order’.
Dearly beloved, I trust that this teachings have been a great blessing to your life. God’s plan is for you to experience marital bliss and fulfillment, but for this to be a reality, you need to abide by the rules of engagement in marriage. This has been the basis of our discussion for some time now, and today, by his grace, I will be sharing more insights on the acceptable behaviors in marriage. I am super excited about this. I hope it’s the same for you also. So without much ado, let’s examine these principles now.
22. Never take advantage of your partner. Never do this for whatever reasons. Always respect your spouse and know your boundaries. Don’t take their gentility, meekness, generosity, kindness, sincerity, ignorance, goodwill, innocence etc., for granted. This is another important rule that you need to abide by if you want to be successful in your marriage. 1Cor7v5. So my dear reader, make this rule your companion in marriage.
23. Never physically abuse your spouse. You need to avoid this as much as possible if you want a lasting marriage. Physical abuse is any act of hurting or injuring a person on purpose. It’s a deliberate aggressive or violent behavior by one person towards another that results in bodily injury. My dear friends, this should never happen because it’s barbaric, inhuman and ungodly. If you truly love your spouse, you wouldn’t want to hurt or harm the person. Anyone who is guilty of such acts needs to seek help and deliverance fast because this is one major way that the enemy can ruin your home. So give him no room by whatsoever means. Protect the peace and atmosphere of your home at all costs. Gal5v19-21
May Jehovah grant you grace and wisdom for these things we have shared today in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: Jn13v34-35;10v10: 1Cor13v4-7: 1Pet3v7: 1Cor7v3-4
Prayer for Today: I thank you, Father for the grace to be a doer of your Word in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I will not just be a hearer of these words but also a doer. I choose to act on the truths that I have received so far. As I put these laws into practice in my life, my marriage and life will surely get better. Things are changing for the better for me! Thank you, Jesus!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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