Exodus 34verse24 ‘For I will cast out the nations before thee, and enlarge thy borders: neither shall any man desire thy land, when thou shalt go up to appear before the LORD thy God thrice in the year.’

Our God is a God of enlargement! He desires to enlarge us on every side! And this is evident from our text scripture (Exodus 34v24) where God promised to enlarge his people! The truth of the matter is that he has not changed his mind concerning enlargement! He is still in the business of enlarging his own and your case won’t be an exemption! Enlargement is the process of making something bigger and larger! It is also the act of increasing, expanding and amplifying something! So what areas of our lives does he want to enlarge? There are many areas of your life that he wants to enlarge but for lack of time and space, I would like us to consider at least 5 areas, which are as follows:

1. Your Coast. By this, I mean he wants to enlarge your territories, borders, coverage or scope! Deut12v20

2. Your Capacity. By this I mean your stamina, inner strength and what you can handle or contain. God wants you to handle more and bigger things. So are you ready for this? Ps119v32

3. Your mouth. By this, I mean he wants to enlarge your desire or what you can receive. He wants to enlarge your desire to receive spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, materially professionally relationally etc. Ps81v10

4. Your Steps. By this, I mean your ways, paths and goings. Ps18v36.

5. You. He wants to make you larger than life’s challenges and the enemy of your soul! 1Chro11v9
My dear brothers and sisters, are you ready for enlargement on all of these fronts? I believe that you are ready for enlargement! So let’s begin to make room and create space for our enlargement from today!

Other Scriptural References: Isa60v5; 1Sam2v1; Ps31v8; Gen26v13; 1Chro4v9-10.
Prayer for Today: Lord I am ready for your enlargement in my life and work! I believe and I receive it by faith!
CONFESSION: This is my season of enlargement! I am ready for the blessings of enlargement! And I choose to make room for it! Glory be to God, for the blessings of enlargement is speaking abundantly in my life!