2Cor.13v5: Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? Unless indeed you are disqualified.

You are welcome back to our discussion on the benefits of stocktaking, the truth of the matter is that there are a lot of advantages and gains you stand to derive from taking stock. The earlier you start doing this, the better you and your life generally speaking will be. So, what this benefits that will accrue to you?


  1. It helps you to discover yourself. This is one of the positive gains of taking stock that you can’t afford to miss or ignore. Stocktaking helps you to know your true potential, what you are capable of doing or not doing et cetera. Not everyone knows who they are, what they have, or what they can do. It’s time for you to truly discover who you really are. It’s time to imbibe the culture of stocktaking.
  2. It helps you to know the things that are working and vice-versa. Not everything is working and not everything is working like it ought to work. This is why you need to take stock. Stocktaking helps you to profit from what is working and also from what is not working. My dear reader, this wisdom will serve you in life and in your ability to succeed. Are you willing to know the truth? As you begin to engage this principle of stockholding, I see your life-changing for the better.
  3. It helps you to become a better person. I mean better in all areas of life such as spiritually, emotionally, physically, business-wise, professionally, martially et cetera. You can become better in practically all areas of life when you start taking stock of your life and things generally. Good is the enemy of better. My dear reader, one way you can bring great improvement into all areas of your life is by being a stock-taker. This was one of the major things that brought about a turnaround for the better in the life of the prodigal son. If it worked for him, it will surely do the same for you too for God is no respecter of persons. So make up your mind today that you will inculcate the principle of stock-taking into your life (Lk.15v17, 20). I pray for you that the change you desire in your life will begin from this moment as you embrace the culture of stock-taking.

Other Scriptural References: (1Cor.9v27; Gal.5v7; 1Cor.10v23; Phil.4v13).

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I embrace the culture of taking stock into every area of my life today in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I enjoy the benefits of stocktaking. My life is getting better and my results are changing for the better. Things are working in my favour because I live by the process and principles of stocktaking. I am getting stronger as I reflect and think things through. I make better decisions because I am a stock taker. Glory be to Jesus for my whole life experience is radiating His glory and presence as I profit greatly from being a stock taker.