2Cor.13v5: Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? Unless indeed you are disqualified.
Dear friends, I will be sharing with you a series of teachings on the benefits of stocktaking. Yes, stocktaking has a lot of advantages and positives that you need to make a part of your life. As you can see from 2Cor.13v5, God wants you to examine yourself regularly. The word “examine” here means to test i.e. analyze, scrutinize, inspect, discipline, or prove. So, it’s apparent the Almighty wants you to make stocktaking a part of your life (Lam.3v40). Although stocktaking is a business terminology that has biblical implications, stocktaking is a reassessment of one’s current situation, progress, prospects et cetera. It’s an act of reviewing and assessing one’s situation and options. It is also the process of examining, counting, and valuing goods in a shop or business. This is what stocktaking is all about and it was what God expects you to do.
The culture of stocktaking is one thing God wants you to imbibe and develop. Stocktaking is a rigorous and tedious exercise but its benefits are second to none. I have discovered from scriptures that God wants you:
- To take stock of your life. Your life includes your destiny goals/aspirations. God does not want you to live an unexamined life; so, it’s time to put a priority on taking stock (Dan.5v26-28).
- To take stock of your activities, works/actions. This has to do with your business, occupation, career, or vocation (Lk.14v28). You need to always remember that your action has great consequences.
- To take stock of your days. Your days are primarily made up of how you spend your day. So, how have you been spending your days? (Ps.90v12)
- To take stock of your years. Your year is made up of months, while your month is made up of days. What defines your year is how you spend your months and days. So it’s time to take stock of your year (Ps.65v11).
My dear reader, you need to give serious thought and consideration to the principle of stocktaking because it will add great value to your life.
Other Scriptural References: (Ps.119v59: 90v12: 66v10: 139v23-24; Lk.15v17; Pro.16v9: 27v23; 1Cor.11v31).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, thank you for opening my eyes of understanding to the benefits of stocktaking.
CONFESSION: I commit myself to the process and principles of stocktaking. I receive courage and grace in taking stock. I stop living by chance and coincidence instead. I live by the power of strategic thinking and planning. I give my time to taking stock so that I can get better results. This is my solemn vow and pledge in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
I stop living by chance or coincidence in Jesus name. I live deliberately in Jesus name
Thank You LORD for this insight, help me Lord to take necessary steps to enjoy the benefits of stocktaking in JESUS Name.