Hebrews 11verse1,6 ‘Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. V6-But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.’

Your Faith life is important as a child of God. This is why you need to understand the basics of faith if your faith will really work for you. This is why God is bringing this series of teachings your way. I believe your faith life will receive a booster through this message in Jesus’s name. However, if you understand what the basics of faith is, you need to know what faith is. At times, what we call faith is not faith. This is why understanding faith is crucial to your victory in this life. IJn5v4. So without much ado, I like to share with you more insights into what faith is.


2. Acting on the revealed word of God to you. Real faith is taking steps in the direction of His word to you. If you don’t act or do what he has said to you, then it’s obvious you don’t really believe Him. Faith is an action word. It is active and not passive. Your faith is revealed by your corresponding action. Jam2v18. Faith is revealed by your obedience to His word. So my dear friends, if you are not acting on His word, then there is no evidence of faith at all. Jam1v22,25.

This is why I love one definition of faith that was given by Billy Graham which says- “Faith is believing that something is true and committing our lives to it.”

So if you really believe God’s word, you will act on it.

3. To be thoroughly convinced about a thing or person. It’s to be fully persuaded in your heart about someone or something. In this instance, to be fully persuaded in your heart about God or any promise in his word or covenant. If there is no persuasion, then there is no faith. It was this kind of persuasion that father Abraham had concerning his promised child (Isaac). Rom4v21 So, my dear reader, you need this kind of persuasion about whatever you might believe God for. Rom14v5

It’s also interesting to note that the Greek word for faith is the word Pistis which means the following:

-Firm persuasion or conviction, fidelity, faithfulness, conviction of the truth of anything, assurance, belief, belief with the predominant idea of trust or confidence in someone.

I believe you can once again see that bible faith has to do with a strong persuasion in God.

So how strong is your persuasion? It’s possible to come to the place of being fully persuaded of his promises to you! This is why you are reading this devotional: get ready for a lifting of your faith walk. If you believe this, say a big AMEN.

Other Scriptural References: 2tim1v12: Jn2v5: Jam2v17,20,26; Matt14v29-30: Gen22v1-2;26v5: 2Cor5v6

Prayer for Today: Lord, I receive grace to be a doer of your word in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: My faith walk can never remain the same again because God’s visitation is coming upon my faith life. My faith is being boosted and empowered. No more weakness of faith because I now know what faith is and how to get it. Glory be to God, for my faith is working mightily for me.