Luke1v45 ‘And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.’
At times we struggle with believing God’s Word and this ought not to be so! One of the greatest compliments that God wants from his children is to be believed! And you see this clearly in the story of Elizabeth in our text scripture (Luke1v45). She literally took God by his Word. She believed it with the whole of her heart, no wonder she experienced a manifestation of God’s Word. Whereas on the contrary, her husband (Zechariah) struggled with believing the Word of the Lord (Luk1v13, 20). I know this may seem like a surprise to many but this is just to show us that taking God by his Word is not an automatic thing but something you have to work at. So do you really take God by his Word? Do you believe his promises towards you? Are you confident that God is able to do what he says he will do? Your ability to answer these questions effectively, will determine if God’s Word will really work for you or not.
So why do we need to take God by his Word? You need to take God by his Word because of the following reasons:
-Because God cannot lie. For he is not a man and he is too faithful to fail. Num23v19. This is why you need to have faith in his Word.
-So that his Word can work for you. His Word works wonders but this is based on whether you will believe his Word or not. It is believing or having faith in his Word that makes it work. You need to always remember this if you want to benefit from his Word. 2Ki7v1-2
So my dear reader, have you made up your mind to believe his Word? I want you to know that it’s far better to believe in God’s Word than the words of a man or princes. Ps118v8-9. My dear brothers and sisters, because God can be relied upon, this is another reason why you need to have confidence in his Word. Isa55v11.
Therefore let your resolution from henceforth be this: God said it. I believe it and that settles it. 2Chro20v20
If you are agreeing with this, can I hear a resounding amen?
Other Scriptural References: Isa7v9; Rom10v11; Mk9v23; Heb4v1-2
Prayer for Today: Lord, please forgive me for not trusting in your Word like I ought not in Jesus name amen.
CONFESSION: In simple childlike faith, I believe God’s Word concerning me! I chose to esteem his words above silver and gold! I chose to esteem his words above food! I chose to exalt his Word in my life. Therefore his Word is working mightily for me in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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