Isaiah 40verse31: ‘But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.’
It is God’s will for you as his child to move better and faster in life. He also wants you to travel far and well than you have done in times past. Because our God is a God of progression, he doesn’t want you to lag behind in life and destiny. This is why supernatural speed becomes a priority and necessity in our lives. He wants you to run and not be weary. He wants you to walk and not faint and also mount up with wings as an eagle. This is what our text scripture (Isaiah 40verse31) reveals to us and this can be a living reality in your life. However, there are some basic truths about supernatural speed that I want you to understand. So, if you are ready, here we go!
1. We are not all on the same level of speed in life. Some are moving fast, while some are moving slowly. Some are even moving better, while some are not even moving at all. The truth of the matter is everyone knows their level of speed. You can’t lie about it as it is obvious to all. But whatever level you are, it can get better if you cooperate with what God is bringing through these teachings. My dear brothers and sisters, the tide can turn in your favour, if you will embrace what God is bringing your way today! I pray for you that you will be courageous enough to go for it so that your transformation can be obvious to all Gal5v7; 2Ki9v20.
2. There are Different levels of Speed. From our text scripture (Isaiah 40verse31) you can see the following dimension of speed:
And you can even break it down further. For example, you can be running with human strength or running as horsemen or better still, running by the spirit (Jer12v5; Joe 2v12; 1Ki18v46). The choice is entirely yours.
We can even take it further; when it comes to flying, you can be flying by the flapping of your wings or, better still, soaring like an eagle.
As you can see it’s possible to operate at a higher level of speed. It just depends on your strength or the kind of engine that you have. This is why cars with bigger engines, such as V8, V12, or V16, travel faster than an average car.
My dear friends, God is able to strengthen you for the journey of life and destiny. He can equip you to travel far, faster, and better if you allow him to help you. I pray that the blessings of supernatural speed will not elude you in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: Pro14v10; Ps84v7:103v5; Acts9v22; Eph3v16.
Prayer for Today: May today mark an end to every form of delay and stagnation in your life in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Lord, I receive grace and help in running the race of life and destiny! With your help and assistance, I will finish my race and enter into my inheritance! I will accomplish my destiny and get things done on time! The grace to run better and faster is on me now! Hallelujah!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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