Genesis 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
We are called to be trailblazers and not to be settlers. We have the dominion mandate, as you can see in Genesis 1verse28; part of this mandate includes subduing and taking over! God wants you to subdue and take over or dominate. The word subdue is an interesting word; it basically means (according to King James Version Dictionary):
-To conquer by force or the exertion of superior power and bring into permanent subjection.
However, I love the meaning of this word in the Hebrew language it’s the Word (Kavash) which literally means- to place your foot on the neck of your conquered enemy, signifying a submission of the enemy to his Defeater. This is how God wants you to subdue. He wants you to subdue your world and take over. He wants you also to subdue your environment and take over. He wants you to subdue your flesh and take over. Basically, he wants you to subdue and take over every area of life and ministry. This is God’s ultimate plan for you!
Precious child of God, if you will subdue and take over, you need to know how to. There are ways of subduing and taking over. I’ll like us to look at some proven and tested ways of dominating your world.
1. By defining specifically the areas you want to conquer. Whatever is not specific won’t be dynamic. You can’t conquer what you don’t know. So to conquer, you need to know the areas you really want to dominate. Another reason this is important is that if you don’t define where you are going or what you want, how would you know when you get there or how you would know when you have gotten it. Beloved, you need to be specific in the areas you want to dominate because this will help you to know whether your prayer was answered or not. So define specifically the areas you want to dominate.
Mk 11v24: Deut2v24
2. By taking initiative. Nothing just happens by coincidence or by chance. After you have set your targets and goals, it’s important to start taking initiatives. Start making the moves! Start going in the direction of your goals and aspirations. God always works with movers and workers, not settlers. So my dear reader, start moving in the direction of your dreams. Nothing happens until you move. Don’t just make plans; make moves. None of your plans will work unless you work it. You can’t walk in dominion if you stay where you are. Start taking initiatives in line with your expectations. Start taking actions by faith. Jam2v26. As you begin to move, I want you to know that things will begin to move in your favour. God will begin to grant you the desires of your heart. So start moving!
3. Enforce the victory until you win. This is where you need to be tenacious and persistent. In every war, there are many battles. Are you ready to fight? At times, the enemy does not give up easily; hence, you too must never say never if you really want to dominate your world. Quit you like men and fight. God has your back. He is Jehovah, the man of war! Dont be afraid. Dearly Beloved, you will overcome if you faint not. I want you to know that you can’t conquer what you refuse to confront. So in the name of Jesus Christ, begin to enforce the victory that is already yours in Christ. Keep enforcing it until victory is delivered. Never say never. I want you to know that you will ultimately win if you don’t quit. I can tell you this from some of the experiences that I have discovered as a result of enforcing my victory. Matt11v12. Don’t be afraid, my dear friends; you will ultimately walk upon your high places, and Jehovah will be glorified on your behalf. So go forth, conquering and dominating your world! Go and take over!
Other Scriptural references: Zech4v10: 1Cor16v13: Eccle9v10: Deut2v3: Jos1v2: Pro20v4: Gen13v14-15: 1cor14v8
Prayer for Today: Lord, help me in subduing and taking over my world for you in Jesus name amen
CONFESSION: The dominion mandate belongs to me. I am called to subdue and take over. I refuse to settle for less or something else. I will fulfill my colorful destiny! I will get to my expected destination in life. I will not be stopped or hindered because, in the name of Jesus, I take my place in destiny!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Thank you so much for the enlightenment.