1Ki:17v2, 9: Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying, “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you”.
Where you are matters a lot in life, this is why you need to be strategically positioned. We cannot overemphasize the importance of your location or position. This was why God told Elijah where to go in the time of famine in our text scripture. If he had gone somewhere else, he would not have probably survived the famine and he would have also missed out on God’s Provision and Supplies. Therefore, you need to position yourself strategically. Why is this very important? It’s important because your Positioning determines:
– Who sees you. At times, some people are hidden because they are wrongly positioned.
– What you can see. It’s impossible to see very far if your positioning is poor. This is why you need to be rightly positioned.
– Your Placement and Promotion (Esth.2v15).
– The kind of opportunities you will experience. Oftentimes, the reason opportunities are limited is because of your location.
– Your Impact and Relevance. Because Esther was strategically positioned, she became the Queen of the Most powerful empire at that time.
My dear brothers and sisters, I believe you can see from these reasons why the issue of your Positioning matters a lot. So it’s time to give attention to your Positioning.
Having explained the importance of strategic positioning, it’s equally important to share with you how you can position yourself strategically.
So how should you go about positioning yourself? You do so by:
1. Stay where God wants you to be. By the way, do you know where God wants you to be? If not, it’s never too late to find out, as this is crucial to being strategically positioned. For Elijah, he knew God wanted him to be at the Brook of Cherith & Home of the Widow in Zarephath (Gen.12v1-4).
2. Be in the place of your gifting and Grace. Stay in the place of your greatest strength and grace. Stop trying to be like other people. Stay in your place and lane so that God can give meaning to your life (1Cor.7v20).
3. Stay in your place of primary assignment. Operate in the area of your calling. When you do this, you will be positioning yourself for greatness. So make sure you abide in your true calling, let nothing move you (Pro.27v8).
4. Stay in your place of covering. Stay where God has commanded your blessings. This is your unique selling point or proposition. God will surely visit you in this Place (Ps.133v1-3).
5. Stay in a place where you can easily be seen. Be visible and accessible. Whatever you are doing, do it in a way where you can easily be reached. Stop working in isolation. This is one of the reasons why you need to be on social media, for instance (Jug.11v5).
6. Stay with the right kind of people. Your positioning is also determined by whom you move with. So in whose company are you walking? My dear reader, make sure you walk with the right kind of people. This is very crucial as it helps to be properly positioned (Pro.13v20).
My Dearly Beloved Ones, it’s time for you to start paying attention to your Positioning in life as it is a major determinant of several things in your life and destiny. May this teaching usher you into a new season of life in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Esth.2v8-9, 15; Ruth 1v1-10; Jug.11v5-10; Lk.14v21, 23; 19v1-10; 2Sam.15v32-37; Matt.21v1-7).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, help me start paying attention to my location in life to realize my colourful destiny in Jesus name, amen).
CONFESSION: Thank you, Father, for this wisdom of strategic positioning! I receive your help and grace in positioning myself for relevance in life and destiny. Holy Spirit, help me not to miss out on where you want me to be. By your grace and mercy, I will be at the right place in life.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Reading this article today 7th March 2023
God bless you
Great message ! Thanks for sharing
Thanks you, I’m blessed
I’m grateful for coming across this message…
Thank you Pastor!
Great sermon. God bless.
Sir this was a great insightful message. God bless you.
Powerful sermon. Thank you sir for sharing this light
Thanks a million Man of God for such an inspiring message from God’s word.