James 4verse8: ‘Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.’
Your Connection to God is of utmost importance. This is why this series of lessons have been coming your way. The presence of God is such an Irreplaceable commodity in our lives; this is why we need to do everything possible in our power to keep and guard it jealously. Satan knows the implications of your strong connection to God. This is why he does everything within his power to separate you from God’s Presence. But it’s your responsibility to keep your Connection to God intact. Satan is after your Connection with God, so keep an eye on your Connection with God! Don’t allow anyone or anything to break or even draw you away from God’s Presence. This is one thing that Joseph did very well; even though he was in captivity in Egypt, he maintained and kept his connection with God. This was why everywhere he went God was with him. It didn’t matter whether he was in Potiphar’s house or Prison or even the Palace! (Gen.39v2-6, 21-23: 41v38).
My dear brothers and sisters, what is taking you away from God’s Presence? It’s time to deal with every enemy of your Connection with God! Several things can take someone away from God’s Presence, and I like us to examine some of them right away.
1. Sin. Sin will keep you away from God, just like God will keep you away from Sin. So chose God over Sin (Pro.28v13; Isa.59v1-2)
2. Work. Although work is supposed to be a blessing, it can also become an obstacle to getting close to God. So make sure you put your work in its rightful place (Matt.4v23).
3. Blessings and Comforts of life. Success can also become an enemy of your seeking after God. Always remember that God comes before Success; this will greatly help you maintain your Connection with God (Lk.12v16-21).
4. Business of Living. At times the Exigencies of life, i.e. what to eat, drink, wear, etc., can get in the way of your walk with God. Make sure that this doesn’t happen! Always remember that God should come first (Matt.6v25, 33).
5. Troubles/Challenges of Life. Never allow what you are going through to take you away from His presence. Instead, let it draw you closer to God (Ps.118v5).
6. Procrastination. This is one of the greatest thieves of the blessings of Man, so give it no place. Say no to Delayed Action or any other form of excuses in drawing closer to God (Rom.2v1).
7. Bad Company/Association. You become like those you closely associate with, either good or bad. So who are your friends? Make sure you choose your friends wisely. Choose the kind of people that will fuel your hunger and appetite for God. This will greatly help you in staying connected with your Maker (1Cor.15v33).
So never allow anyone or anything to come between you and your God! Cherish and Nurture your Relationship with God! Never allow a day to go by without staying in touch and in tune with God. May today mark a new dimension in your walk with God.
Other Scriptural References: (Ps.120v1: 51v10-12: 17v15; Pro.1v10; Acts 24v25; Mk.1v35; 1Pet.5v7; Exo.34v29-30, 34-35; Jer.29v13).
Prayer for Today: Precious Holy Spirit, I earnestly covet your presence in my life on a regular basis in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: The Presence of the Lord is my heart’s desire. So I choose to walk and live in the reality and consciousness of his presence all the days of my life. I say no to every enemy of my staying connected to my God. I refuse to give in to the operations and seduction of the Enemy! I rebel against every foe or force that wants to separate me from my God. A closer walk with my God is my prayer and desire every waking moment in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.