Luke 1verse37. ‘For with God nothing shall be impossible.’
It’s possible to reverse the irreversible because God specializes in doing such kinds of things. So don’t give up, for nothing is impossible with God. And when you believe the doors of possibilities will be opened unto you. So never say ‘Never’. Don’t shut the door because everything is possible to him that believes.
So how does God reverse the irreversible? How does he do it? God reverses the Irreversible when:
1. You Seek after Him.
When you cry out to God in your hour of desperation or need, he will hear your cry as a caring heavenly father. There are several stories of people who cried out to him in times past that God sent help to. If you, too, would seek him in spirit and truth, he will send help to you from his Sanctuary. Esth4v14-16: Ps118v5. So, my dear reader, it’s time for you to cry out to the God who can Reverse the Irreversible.
2. You come to your Wit end.
Until you come to the place of absolute surrender, the impossible might not be made possible. God really wants to help you but it’s important to come to the place where you are nothing and he is everything. Only then can God truly help you. So, you might need to die to your flesh or pride. You need to come to the place of submission to his will and ways before God can really help you. Are you willing to do so today? Ps44v6
3. You Release your Faith in the Miraculous.
To experience the Impossible, you need to release your faith. Real Faith is having confidence or trust in God to perform what he has said. Faith is so vital for you and me if we are going to receive what God promised. So, it’s time to start releasing your faith in his word. Release your faith is his ability will do wonders in your life. God is always looking out for people who are willing to believe him. Are you ready to believe God? Lk1v38,45. I have discovered from personal experience that when we believe, the door of possibilities and wonders opens. So my dear reader, choose to be a believer today. Make up your mind that you will believe in God no matter the situation or difficulties. When you act like this, expect God to come through for you.
I strongly believe that the God who specializes in reversing the Irreversible will visit you in this season in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: Acts27v25: isa7v9: Jn2v5;9v6-7: Jer29v13: Jb5v8-9: Ps120v1:1sam1v10-12: Gen32v26
Prayer for Today: God of amazing wonders, reverse the irreversible situations in my life in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I believe in Miracles. Miracle days are not over, for I serve a God who can reverse the irreversible. Therefore, I release my faith in his ability to do wonders in my life and endeavors. I look to God and I know I won’t be put to shame! My hour of Liberation and help is here!
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.