Luke 1verse37. ‘For with God nothing shall be impossible.’
Is it possible to reverse the irreversible? The answer is a definite Yes! This is what we will be considering in this series of teachings. By the way, what do we mean by the irreversible? That which cannot be changed or altered. A hopeless or irreparable situation. A situation that is impossible to change back to a previous condition or state. These are some meanings of irreversible. As we progress into this teaching, there are some important truths I want you to know or note and they are as follows:
1. Only God can reverse the Irreversible
In fact, he specializes in reversing the irreversible. He can turn darkness into light. A curse into a Blessing. Death into Life. He even changed the laws of the Medes and Persians, which they said could not be reversed in the days of Esther the Queen of Persia. So, my dear reader, you need to understand that your heavenly father can reverse whatever seems irreversible in your life today. Jn11v39-44: Deut23v5
2. Reversing the Irreversible is a Miracle.
When the irreversible is reversed, you need to know that a miracle has taken place. A miracle is something that is beyond human comprehension or the natural. A Miracle happens when natural laws are suspended so that his name can be glorified. I have a couple of these manifestations in my life and ministry. I remembered the testimony of a dear brother who was scheduled for a kidney stone operation whom God miraculously healed during an anointing service. Sometimes ago, I was privileged to attend a wedding of one of our members at a Baptist church, where the pastor shared the testimony of how he became the proud father of 2boys after he had been medically confirmed that he could never have children. I also remembered a testimony of a dear brother whose sack letter was overturned into promotion after an encounter with God at our all-night prayer meeting. I said all of this for you to know that God is still very much in the business of working miracles. What he has done for others clearly manifests what he can do for you. So, don’t lose hope; a miracle is on the way. Lk18v27: Jer32v17,27
My Dearly Beloved Ones, I want you to stay open and keep your faith alive! Don’t lose hope or cast away your confidence. Help is surely on the way. I see you testifying in this Season in Jesus name, Amen!
Other Scriptural References: Dan6v10,15,22: Gen18v11,14: Jn9v1-7: Acts3v2-8: Isa38v1,5,8
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I am expecting you to reverse the irreversible situations in my life this season in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I believe that all those who said no to me before will now say Yes to me because the God who specializes in reversing the irreversible is working in my favor. The Impossible is being made possible for me. I can see God moving in my favor in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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