Psalm 37verse7-8. ‘Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. V8-Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil’.
Resting in God is a dimension of living that many children of God know nothing about, but this is the realm that God wants us to operate from as a believer. The rest is not a rest from work but a rest in his work. It is partnering with God to do what he is calling you to do by his grace and leaving the part you can’t do in his hands, trusting him to do it. This is why David encourages us to rest in the Lord (Psalm 37v7). So, what does it really mean to rest in God?
Resting in God means the Following:
1. To enter into your Inheritance. It’s the fulfillment of what God promised you or God’s best for you. Jos1v13,15. So what has the Lord promised you? It’s time for you to enter into that Land of Promise.
2. To have victory or conquest over all your enemies. Rest connotes safety and deliverance from all your enemies. You can see this playing out in the lives of David and Solomon as God gave them rest from all their enemies (2Sam7v1:1ki5v4). He will do much more for you as you rest in him to fight your battles.
3. To stop trusting in your own efforts or labors and start trusting in God’s effort or what he has done. Your rest is in his finished works, not what you can do. His finished works are far better than whatever you can come up with. So, my dear brothers and sisters, it’s time to rest in God. (Ps44v6,8).
4. It’s the place of quietness, peace, and assurance. When you are resting in God, you are not fretting, fearful, agitated, or worried and you are not losing your sleep or head over anything. You are rather still and peaceful. This is what the dimension of resting in God means. (Isa30v15).
My dearly beloved ones, this is how God expects us to live and operate as believers. The promise of rest is your heritage as a believer. God wants you to have rest from your fears, worries, turmoil, anxieties, agitations, insecurities, Troubles, etc. May this truly be a reality in your life in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: Jos21v44: 1ki8v56: 1Chro22v9: Deut12v10: Ps46v1-5: Isa26v3-4: Jn14v27
Prayer for Today: Father God, I choose to rest in you; therefore, I will not be agitated in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: The promise and blessings of resting in God belong to me as a believer; therefore, I choose to rest in God. My confidence is in God and not my might or connections. It’s not in what I can do but what he can do. As I cooperate with his word, I walk fully in the blessings of resting in God. Hallelujah!
Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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