Psalm 84verse7 ‘They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.’
One of the crucial things that you need to do as a believer from time to time is regularly renewing your strength! It is one of your responsibilities as a child of God to nourish and nurture your relationship with God. As you can see from our text scripture (Psalm 84verse7) that, your strength should be regularly renewed. And in fact, you can also see one of the ways by which our strength can be renewed in our text scripture.
What does the word strength here imply? It speaks of your spiritual strength or, more appropriately, your anointing or divine strength.
My dear reader, your strength ought to be renewed daily. The anointing ought to be kept fresh or new. Ps92v10; Eccl9v8. As you cannot use yesterday’s strength for the battles of today! So, the more reason why you should renew your strength regularly! And by the way, how can you accomplish this? You can renew your strength by following the guidelines below:
1. By praying consistently. Regular times of prayers has been known to renew your strength, so make up your mind to keep a virile prayer life. 1Thess5v17; Acts6v4.
2. A consistent life of praise and worship. A virile life of praise and worship is also instrumental to your strength being renewed regularly. So don’t allow your praise and worship to be limited to whenever you come to church but let it be a part and parcel of your life. In this way, your strength will always be renewed in God. 1Sam2v1
3. Consistently abiding in his House or Presence. Zion or the house of God, is also a place of renewing your strength, as you can see from our text scripture (Psalm 84v7). This is why it’s so important to be in his house and not to forsake the assembly of the brethren. Ps26v8; Heb10v25.
4. Abiding in his Word consistently. One means of doing this is by meditating on his Word regularly. Just like food gives strength to your body, his Word is also gives strength to your inner man. Matt4v4; 2Cor4v16. This is why you need to pay attention to regularly feeding on God’s Word, so as to remain strong in God.
My dear brothers and sisters, I believe that you are ready to imbibe these principles! As you embrace them, may your strength never fail you again!
Other Scriptural References: Ps1v1-3; Ps84v10; Isa40v31; Pro24v10; Col1v11; Eph3v16.
Prayer for Today: Lord, help me to cultivate the habit of renewing my strength in you regularly in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: My Strength will be renewed in God regularly. This is my motto and creed for life. I will never live a day without not renewing my strength in you, Oh Lord! Help me, blessed Holy Spirit, to be faithful to this pledge and vow in Jesus name amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.